Grace 6: Interviews with Divine & Extraordinary Beings


Available as  Home Study





Cost: $90

or 3 payments of $30

Scholarship 1: $45

or 3 payments of $15

This series of interviews gives us an opportunity to learn more about those Divine and extraordinary beings who support and guide our community. As I completed each interview, most of them requested to come back and share more. Our audience felt the same way, we want more I have seen over and over in the more is here.

When possible, I will identify names and learn some personal details from our guests. I will also ask about historical info related to their lives and expertise. I will also ask questions geared toward helping us navigate this current earthly realm situation. They will get a chance to share what their special focus is and what they are doing now and in the immediate future.

They all have personalities that come through, some humorous, while others more contemplative and reverent. Just like humans, they experience life through their unique perspective, which we will enjoy during our time with them.

In one of my interviews, the interviewee said to me ‘no don’t say it that way, you are too nice, I’m not that nice’ which I appreciated because I am charged with translating what they mean what they intend for you to hear.  I was glad for the correction; my nature is to love and hope for the best in each. I know you will find our friends incredibly honest sincere and have an intention of educating and helping us.

Here are our honored guests ~ in 3 ~ live interviews

Class 1

Archangel Michael, one of the Elah

Theme: A Successful plan for dealing with battle fatigue, How to replenish after a long-run battle, and the energetic game of staying at your best. He has been working with me for 52 years

class 2

Advanced Human from God Cloud 9

Theme: Dimensional and Intentional Love, Expanding conscious awareness. Has been working in our community 2 years

class 3

A Group Consciousness Restoration Signature

Serving 4 years in the light brigade, our work and efforts in restoration, and how to assist effectively in restoration after severe trauma.

Praising God for an eternity building brilliance and results of praise

I have been participating in the Grace Interviews Series with Julie Renee. It is a great opportunity to know about beings that I never imagined learning about or from. During this week’s interview we met Derrell, a Pleiadean that left his home located in the Pleiades to become a human ambassador in the Earth realm. During his talk he said how much he appreciates and values humanity because we humans have a God who is Father and Creator to whom we are looking to align with, something he would also intend to do. His words are so encouraging to me.  The work of our community focused on bringing all humanity to God’s origin set point is absolutely incredible. It inspires beings from other realms and planets as well to want to join in and support our efforts.

~Maria Laura


What I took away from the Grace Series Jesus Interview



  • Giving Praise to God for Everything will allow us to be closer to Heaven on Earth – that was the inspiration for me totally – Karen

  • Finding ways to praise God – Maria Laura

  • Thank you for the inspiration and love shown. Praising God inspires me. – Jenna

  • I must think more before I speak and think about incorporating praising God every day – Susan

  • The last thing he said about Praise God every moment, all the time. Yes, thank you, Jesus, thank you, Julie Renee and Henry!! – Anni

  • Thank you so much for this time together his last words of wisdom to find ways to constantly praise God really helps me at this time So grateful God bless you dear Julie and thank you, dear Jesus – Dawn



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Home Study

$90 or 3 payments of $30

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Home Study Scholarship 1

$45 or 3 payments of $15

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Scholarship opportunity

I am offering a scholarship to people on fixed or low incomes. Please use the honor system to choose the best option for you.


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Introducing Julie Renee

Julie Renee is a leading expert in brain rejuvenation. She has mapped out the human blueprint and developed techniques for working in the quantum field to promote clearing and cell regeneration, as shared through her work at Quantum Activations Academy and in her groundbreaking book, *Your Divine Human Blueprint*. She has introduced new concepts to our vocabulary, such as “cellular neo-genesis” for regeneration and the medically documented “DNA obliteration” for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also extends to the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. As a mentor to mentors, she collaborates with notable figures in personal development, entertainment, and various other fields. Her quantum activation trainings, which have reached students in 64 countries through livestream sessions, are widely recognized. In addition to being a best-selling author, she has produced over 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations.

Julie Renee Doering

Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author

Mom and Master Quantum Activator