Welcome to our Quantum Activations
‘Pure Potential’ community.
The purpose of our monthly gatherings is to help catapult you in the direction of your full self-expression, renewed, refreshed, revitalized, and crystal clear, ready to live a life full-on in joy and abundance. Our special direction each month takes us into profound clearings. Each topic helps you to break free of past impediments. Our intention is to move you towards your fully balanced, joy-filled life.
Our Community Program, Pure Potentials, is the place to be! The 2 hour sessions are fun, fast-paced, and address relevant, timely issues. These session topics are ripe for disappearing NOW.
You might consider this your entry access point to the Quantum Academy programing. In the sessions you’ll be learning new terms and techniques as we clear the way for a better more fulfilling present and future life. We’ll be using extremely detailed charts and the most powerful quantum pump techniques to assist you in mastering the art of quantum transformation.
We address clearing up all the stop gaps and impediments that slow your progress in all areas of life! We address childhood and pre-birth agreements, spiritual interferences, AI, energetic devices, programs, timeline challenges, anchors, and so much more.
When you join in, I encourage you to imagine for you to experience your ease-filled, fully self-expressed life. Ponder what you can accomplish, set some intentions, and go for it. You don’t have to know how it’s all going to happen; just know you will be clearing what’s held you back.
Take a look below at the 24 wonderful programs I have set up for the coming two years, and please enroll now! Let’s get started!
Yes! Sign me up.
Your Best Year Yet: Mastering Mock-ups
January 8, 2025
Do you want more of anything? It can be accomplished with quantum activations! In our first training of the year we’ll be getting into a type of goal setting we’ve called mock ups and are now using intention setting as our languaging. The technique is one used in our 21-day premiere program Accelerate Wealth. An intention or mock up is a declaration with legs. You’re saying about a statement you are making ‘this is true’, and energizing it to be so. It is much stronger than an affirmation and has been used successfully to shift and transform reality in the quantum field with dramatic, and very exciting results!
How would you like your 2025 year to play out? What would you absolutely accomplish in the coming 12 months if there were no improvements to getting the best results, and the most out of life?
Belonging: Restoring Love from the Start
February 5, 2025
Whether you were warmly greeted and welcomed with love at your birth or you were the unwanted little stranger in a house of chaos, you have a right to feel loved and cherished. Part of that deeper state of being relaxed and at ease is feeling the richness and blessings of a world filled with love is to deeply know you are loved, in this world and the next. We’ll be clearing what your mind did with the illusions you were born into and the physical circumstance that would have had you feel less than wanted or loved. Learn more
Peace That Passes All Understanding: Realizing Serenity, Grace & Ease
March 5, 2025
Who would you be if you had no anxiety, no worry, no self-doubt or recrimination? What if you were love unfolding every moment? Imagine walking into the room, and the effect you have is so profoundly grace-filled that everyone feels the frequency of peace and begins to breathe easier just because you are there. This special clearing will introduce the DNA Obliteration process and focus on all family line issues around experiencing fully the blueprint of grace, peace, and ease in your life. Learn more
Blueprint Empowerment
April 2, 2025
If your willpower has left you and you find yourself weak-minded and undisciplined or just unable to follow through in the way you know will make the difference, you may need a willpower tune-up. The thing is, body chemistry, aging, time-lines, family influences, shock, and disappointment can weaken and reduce will. Once it’s down, it’s tough to get back on top unless you have some powerful clearing charts and a quantum pump to set you free to be all that you can once again! Learn more
Independence at its Best! Joy & Expansion
July 2, 2025
Have you experienced sorrow, grief, depression, sadness, or melancholy at any time in your life? These low emotions have to do with losing hope, forgetting that your spirit is limitless and that you’re free at any time to change your trajectory and move back into a joyous expansion! Celebrating independence, we’ll be cleaning out the cobwebs of life and dusting out the cellar of sorrow, creating room and space for you to move into and fully live in joy without the dark shadows of your past haunting you in the low astrological transits and challenging moments of life. Learn more
How Lucifer Uses Holidays to Energize Evil – What Can Be Done
October 1, 2025
This is a brand-new class
Belonging This is Our Realm, We are the Children of the Creator!
January 2026
YOU and I BELONG RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! As there had been such a setback with the massive reign Lucifer had on the earthly realm, those who were dedicated to evil began to oust those who would take up the roles of leaders and followers of purity and truth. So many who are working for the benefit of humanity have shared with me they feel like an outsider, and that they do not belong. In our January session we will work to reestablish, belonging, ownership, and authority. Learn more
How to Love and Be Loved: Pure and True
February 2026
This is a brand new class. Learn more
God Sourced Happiness: Resetting Your Blueprint for More JOY
March 2026
Have you ever wondered about your family and genetic programming related to how happy you can be and where your setpoints are for happiness? Our bigger training on DNA will explore all DNA related to health, Wealth, love, and finances. In Bliss: The Happiness Factor, we’ll be deep-diving into your full blueprint for bliss and happiness, but in this very special introductory community program, you’ll get a chance to alter your DNA and programs to switch up your happiness set points. Learn more
Strengthening Your Blueprint: For more Vigor, Vivacity & Personal Power
April 2026
In this two-hour training, you’ll get a chance to start the big clear out for vitality and personal power with a super-duper clearing chart for your blueprint challenges related to vivacity. Troublesome programs like evil spirit curses, emotional timeline, satanic curses, ancestral contracts, family timeline, miasms, and many more will disappear as you open to a better version of yourself. Learn more
Something’s Got a Hold on Me: Entitlements
May 2026
What prevents you from getting your full clearing? We’ll be working on getting entirely clear of people in their own bodies, living, incarnated in the present time who have any part of their blueprint controlling or living in or dominating or directing you, your actions, thoughts, regeneration’s, growing and staying internally and externally youthful and energized. Clear away everything that stops you from getting the VERY, VERY best life and best clearing and regenerative results. Learn more
Power, Stability & Balance No Matter What
June 2026
We’ll be working towards a fully balanced and fully expressed life as we clear the 8 aspects of the balance wheel and help you move into a more fully expressed and joy-filled life, strong and sure, able to meet the challenges with grace and ease. Life is never perfect; it’s a balancing act. The evidence of a life on track is seen by a person going through rocky waters but staying consistent with their relationship with the Divine, the beliefs and core values unmoving. Let’s clear away what blocks you from this kind of strength. Learn more
Liberty! Emotional & Financial Freedom
July 2026
As we move into our month of freedom, we look to the two aspects of life most connected to a successful life and start the journey of clearing and manifesting in new and powerful ways. In our first hour, we’ll be clearing the right and permission to experience emotions and feel balanced with great resilience and stability. In our second our were slated for a fun-filled and effective wealth magnetic activation! What would it feel like to be magnetic to your heart’s desires? Let freedom be your way of life! Breathe in the laughter and joy of a life well-lived! Learn more
Body Trauma Detox
August 2026
We’re up to a big job in this community training on Trauma Detoxing.
- Medical Mistreatment
- Radiation Poisoning
- Governing Manipulation
- Toxic Substances Absorption
- Terrifying Emotional Experiences awake and in dream
Plus moving the nervous system out of trauma moving you and your body into a refreshed, easeful place of greater peace and joy.
Express Yourself: Full Self Expression
September 2026
Are you able to be the magnificent you, the one you were born to be? Full self-expression in all aspects of life is absolutely amazing and something we all endeavor to accomplish in our Quantum Academy! In this session, we’ll be going back in time to your early school days and even before that to your infancy and toddler days to clear away programs of limitation and disappointment. The need to hide, be shy, and be held back may have served you at one point, but are now impediments to your journey. Full self-expression is the ability to be all of who you came into this life to be and more. Let’s set you on a path of enjoying the journey of life in the most amazing way, in your bright, beautiful and brilliant splendor! Learn more
The Deception of Holidays: How to Discern Truth Amidst Cultural Mores
October 2026
As we have grown to discover, many holidays were not just created for remembrance, celebration, and fun. Many holidays now come with hypnotic manipulation. People who would normally not be interested in, say, worshiping evil in a holiday setting do it with commitment and enthusiasm. How do group mind and satanic programming get embedded into times of celebration? What are these issues of evil satanic influencing affecting humanity and my children? How can I begin to unplug from these issues without being ostracized or alienated from my friends and family? In this program, we will both do a powerful clearing and a deep dive into creating a new reality that we are the set point for slow and steady change. We can be a force for positive change. Learn more
Celebrating Sexuality Pure & Beautiful
November 2026
In our celebration of human sexuality, we will be opening to the full joys of loving pure true sexuality and clearing away the weight of oppression and evil in our own life and in our culture. Will start from your beginning in God alignment and move forward to present-day freedom to love and be loved sexually. In this important session, we will also address the illness of our society. This includes the truly horrible rise in pedophilia harming children of all ages and the issue of transgenderism, loss of God connection, and occupation of another spirit in the body of a transgender. Without judgment or condemnation for all that is passed, we seek to make a better world for all of God’s children. Enjoying a loving and delightful connection with a partner is part of that! Learn more
The Complete Money Manifesto
December 2026
Do you have a specific set of intentions you are working with that map out your financial future? Are you able to make and implement a money plan? What I see is immobilizers, incapacitators, and stop gaps get in the way of even getting your real, extremely solid plan put into place. What we will do in this session is lay the foundation for stable, solid, and secure wealth planning and action-taking in present and future life. Learn more
My determination to join your Year Miracle’s program and Growing Community classes has helped me to recreate ways of being present with the meditations offered that have helped me become much more aware of what to give attention to more of, and presented a few opportunities that contributed to my having a greater appreciation and dedication towards greater transformation.
— Callie
The classes exceeded my expectations. Julie always seems to deliver more than promised.
— Karen
I love it all. The classes are so much more than anyone can imagine. It is a lot to learn and explain to someone. It’s so powerful!! It’s hard to know where to START. Sometimes you just have to dive in and keep trying to understand the bigger picture.
— Julie
These classes are excellent! Thank you for sharing so much of your current and past personal experiences! It helps me so much.
— Julie
Yes! Sign me up.

Julie Renee is a leading expert in brain rejuvenation. She has mapped out the human blueprint and developed techniques for working in the quantum field to promote clearing and cell regeneration, as shared through her work at Quantum Activations Academy and in her groundbreaking book, *Your Divine Human Blueprint*. She has introduced new concepts to our vocabulary, such as “cellular neo-genesis” for regeneration and the medically documented “DNA obliteration” for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also extends to the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. As a mentor to mentors, she collaborates with notable figures in personal development, entertainment, and various other fields. Her quantum activation trainings, which have reached students in 64 countries through livestream sessions, are widely recognized. In addition to being a best-selling author, she has produced over 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations.