Quantum Activation Apprentice Training

Level 1

Level one is the Foundational level giving you the basics on regeneration and clearing as well as trainings in love and emotions, money and success, and time in a small group getting to powwow with me and get your questions answered voice to voice! You will receive a Quantum Activations Foundational Apprentice Certification.

Level 2

The second level is the Essentials level and gives you a good amount of training, expect up to 2 trainings in a week. We’re addressing the needs of the practitioner and the individual who is taking this program to make a big shift in their life over the course of a year, and do it in balance. I’ve wired in some one-to-one time in this level so you can ask questions and get guidance directly related to your needs and concerns. You will receive a Quantum Activations Essentials Apprentice Certification

Level 3

Level three is the Trailblazer level and is full on! You’ll be with me in many of the trainings and we’re going for the deepest level of online training in quantum activations available. This is a great option if the immersion yearlong is just not doable because of travel. You’ll have one-to-one time with me and life will be very different, more open and free as you complete your program. You will receive a Quantum Activations Trailblazer Apprentice Certification.