Also, since we have gone from a handful of death angels to several installments of regeneration and restoration of death angels who were incinerated, there were so few more than 600 than 7000. Death angels were once guardian angels. They willingly left their lovely lives as guardian angels in pretty robes to protect and guide humans across the real...
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A question came up in Energize:  People who have near-death experiences often report seeing a bright white light and are drawn to it, feeling immense love. D.I. and other teachers are saying not to follow that light as it is a false AI web that forces us to reincarnate. What is your KNOWING about this? I trust your input. THANKS! Is the white l...
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 Intelligence processing centers in God made Human formerly the area of matter in the blueprint now renamed and properly identified as to what God had placed in there.  The new name is  Wisdom Interpretation. There were actually only 2 categories that were original and created by God and they were reidentified and described down below.  P...
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Personality is developed from our own history. This provides things we are working on to understand and move back toward our God nature. It is not aligned with who God made us to be but is a very useful aspect of our own journey. When observed, understood, and used properly can move us back rapidly to who God created us to be. There is zero reason ...
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We did a second 3-hour session this week on improving Body chemistry. In our effort to work both from where we find ourselves in the present time, and where we were at God-sourced creation, We are bringing awareness of blueprint areas that support incredible chemistry in the following short chart.  Perception Light unification  2% - 21% ...
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