The Bachelor’s Bob Guiney

From Funk to Fab

In the ABC hit show, The Bachelor: Season 4, Bob Guiney experienced a stroke of luck after a series of challenges that changed his life for the good, forever.

Back in the early ‘90’s, Bob got a serious knee and Achille’s tendon injury playing football that had taken him out of the game. He had to now reinvent himself, so the funny self-esteem impaired fellow became a realtor. The injuries caused him to be less active and pile on 30 pounds. He described himself back then as “fat.”

In a million years he would not have submitted his name to The Bachelor. However, his buddies at the real estate office – perhaps as a practical joke – submitted his application and personal details for consideration for the show. Back then, reality TV had no real money in it – just a great opportunity to become a celebrity. Bob had no need to be a celebrity or be the fat funny guy on national TV…

When the call came from the casting producer, Bob assumed it was a practical joke. He blew her off. They stayed on him and after a couple weeks of fielding calls he figured he would stop the joke, so he said to the producer, “Okay, send me the airline ticket, fax me a copy of it and I’ll be there.”

The ticket arrived and the rest is history. The effect of a funny, mildly overweight Bachelor competing against the standard washboard abs-GQ-hunk was a synergistic success and he, as he was, was exactly what the show needed. He was the comedic relief that juiced up the show.

Have you ever felt yourself to be at a low ebb in life and had something move you right “up the ladder” without needing to be perfect? The old adage “Bloom where you are planted” is the phrase for the day.

Stop thinking your life is bad because it isn’t perfect. Turn off the voice in your head that says you can’t live your life because your weight is wrong or your career is tanked because an injury stops you from playing the game.

The Miraculous Lifestyle is the wise elder love wisdom that gets you thinking, how can I look at everything in my life as a blessing? How can I turn something that looks like lemons into champagne?

Your Thoughts are Powerful

Your thoughts are so powerful that you can, by your consistent conversations, keep yourself down or let yourself soar above and beyond what is humanly possible.

While dying, lying on the floor in my little duplex years ago I first thought, “Wow, this is it. It’s over.” And then I thought, “No. I am not going.”

My prayers for life were heard. Life became precious. Through the many, many surgeries and personal difficulties I have learned that the gifts that come from adversity can be the gifts that give you your life back.

I have learned from the medical prognosis of “You can’t live,” that I actually can live. I must activate my connection with the Divine and live as my spiritual teacher Jesus taught me. “…These and even greater works then these you shall also do.”

Find the gifts in your historic challenges and use them for the GLORY.

Programs and Meditations to Help You Move Into Your Gifts

Accelerate Wealth Program

Generating Your Abundant Life

Decide, Commit, Take Action, Succeed

Meditations to Let Go of Past Obstacles and Open to the Wonder of Life


Love Regeneration

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