We’ll start this exploration with a simple chart looking at what we know about the Advanced human, who they were according to their blueprint, followed by the items taken from them to downgrade them and build a weapon of charm enchantment and witchcraft, from which all misinformation, memes, and miasms get their power and manipulate people from knowing and living in truth. Then look at some of the details including timelines of when this happened and who was responsible.

Although I do not yet know all the elements from God-sourced creation it is clear the design from human was shifted, created around the same time as human from God clouds 2 and 4 around 60,000 years back. At the time of this creation, Lucifer had not yet fallen but was soon to be cast from Heaven. He had authority with the care of the developing advanced human group. Reptilian and Kurs were ‘courting’ lucifer. Filling his consciousness with dreams of power and glory. Reptoid was as well in the picture and behind the scenes were developing a way to strip away what God had created from the advanced humans. Charm enchantment and witchcraft would lead to humanity stepping from the connections with God towards a life with evil influence that could penetrate all of humankind. In our time the stripping away of the aspects of an advanced human took 40 years, so relatively fast. It seems God must rest after a great effort of creating and this time it was the resting time. We see the words in scripture and on the 7th day God rested. 

It looks like this creation along with many other groups around the same time was a great effort. The advanced human spirits were not too great in number about 5,000 from God-sourced creation.  None currently exist as God had once imagined and created them from God-sourced creation. 90% are in what we call the elf category. 10% exist as some form of human. 

And the final question for this conversation is can they be restored? YES. It will take about 4 years to accomplish this, there is much to learn about what makes them so unique and extraordinary and discover what all the parts of their blueprint once were. 

When I look at this, I wonder about all our students, and the different God clouds they came from. The blueprints even in Divine human are slightly different from God cloud to God cloud, so more to investigate for sure!