God of creation, God of purity and truth, God of life and light. We call upon your holy name, EAM Trinity, Mother, Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, come. We ask for your presence in this session, and we ask for an extreme blessing on the transformation that will be happening in the Divine-human blueprint. Thank you for standing with us for these three and a half years, getting us to the point where we can move forward in the divine-human blueprint. Thank you for the topic for today of brilliance. We are all very eager and excited to have greater access to your wisdom, knowledge brilliance, and really just having everything flowing with God light. So the body that we’re experiencing now, even if it wasn’t what you created for us, that we flow that God light through it so that it is entirely and completely blessed and that what we are using and accessing right now is filled with you.
And we see that your light, your brilliance, your light unification just flow through us at 100%. Source. We thank you. We thank you for revealing things slowly to us so that we are not overwhelmed. We thank you for giving us a target that we can work towards, and we thank you for the promise of 10 years of exciting transformation. God bless everyone in this call. Everyone who’s here live, everyone who will be joining after the call in the right time zone where they can do it at the perfect time for them. We ask now that this class expand, that this beautiful group of 45 people expand to a hundred people as we work the divine-human blueprint and now work in a more permanent way to shift the divine-human blueprint, which will permanently is what we intend shift our personal blueprint. Because what’ll be out informing our personal blueprint will be God source created. So we ask that this, this class expand double and perhaps a little more than double so that more of our community might receive these incredible deep blessings. God, we pray for our children, our families, our spouses, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our cousins. We pray that they receive blessings through us as we might be doing mirror to mirroring to them or communication-breaking miasms that have held us imprisoned. Thank
You God for blessing all of those who we love. And thank you God for blessing those who become, have become an impediment in our life. We ask that you bless them, soften them, and hopefully make them just gently move out of our space if that is the best choice. But we just thank you for them. And we know that they’re on a journey and they’re struggling. And when they become a challenge, we know that they’re seeking to move, to evolve, or to shift or change. And they may be trying to pull us down. But in actuality, we know that they are seeking help. And so we ask that you help them and that you help us as well so that we might learn whatever we need to learn from how we were engaged with them, what matter of wisdom we might gain.
And we thank you for that. God, we thank you for that. God, we also ask that this be a week of powerful acceleration, that jobs begotten for those people who are seeking jobs, that homes be found, for those who are seeking homes, that resolutions are accomplished, that areas that have been stuck, perhaps gar messy garages or offices that are a little chaotic with things piled up areas that maybe need attention, maybe pantries need to be tidied up. God, we ask that this be a week of acceleration so that our growth, but also the leveling of calm in our space come to fruition, that there’d be a deep, profound grounding in our space, and that we are able to really stand firm in our strength. We ask for a blessing for the children who are struggling with illnesses and weak immune systems.
We ask for those children to be fully and completely restored that they’re, they might live joyously in the little bodies that they have. We ask especially a great blessing for the sound of freedom and all of those who are joining in the movement of stopping the human trafficking and the pedophile agenda. God, thank you so much for bringing these men who are committed and families who are committed to making a change. Thank you for all the people who are attending and all the people who are responding and saying, I can do something. Thank you for bringing the second movie out. I understand there’s a documentary that follows the first movie that really lays out a roadmap for how to bring an end to the child trafficking. And we just ask that there be just a, a welcome that, an easy landing for that second movie to come out, and that it received even more enthusiasm than this huge, huge showing of the first film.
Thank you, God for blessing the film that I was recently in, that it get more and more viewers and accomplish what it needs to accomplish. And God in the right time, in the right place, please put me where I need to be to be an advocate for especially the children. So in whatever way you see fit to put me in more of a limelight, I’m willing and, and ready. God, I also ask in this day as we begin to work on the blueprint, that there be a removal of decay and aging. That anything that’s been rapidly accelerating in the last few years for our community and actually for the population of humanity in general that that end that we discover and transform the divine-human blueprint so that there be no targeting of rapid aging for our community.
And of course, we want that for all humanity, but we, we want that for our community so that we might stay engaged for hundreds of years, that we might really make a difference, that we might be strong and not distracted by breakdown. And aging. We pray for people like my hopefully new handyman’s wife who went in the hospital with broken bones, but she did nothing to break her bones. And we know that something nefarious is at hand. We pray for people who are getting sucked into evil lives, lifestyles, and we ask that they be lifted out of those evil lifestyles and come back to you, Jesus, Jesus Christ as a brother, as a savior, as a friend, as a companion, as a leader, as a guide. Thank you, God, for the light that you shine in us.
Thank you for light unification. We ask now to experience that light unification and brilliance, that just incredible brilliance and that connection with God mind. And we ask that, that be amplified a hundredfold and that we might really experience you in ways that are so powerful and so beautiful and so grace-filled and merciful. Thank you, God. Thank you for hearing our prayer and answering our prayer. We ask this on behalf of all of our community for the thousands who follow us and for the tens of thousands in our energetic community who we are welcoming all of them now to angels and Golden Legion and all of you, you know who you are. You’re all called in light goddesses of light, light brigade, all of you. You’re all being called in Mother Mary Jesus following guardians of the blueprint beings from realms and dimensions other than ours, consciousness, and consciousness.
Let’s see, sentient beings from the earth all of you, you’re all welcome. And we ask God that you help in every way with all of these participants on the brilliance and the connection with you. And God, please give me a clear path to understanding what I will as an energetic being be doing in the divine human blueprint today. So excited to be working in the divine-human blueprint in a way that will permanently shift for the betterment of humanity. Thank you, God. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. We glorify you. We worship you. We fall on our knees along with the 24 putting their heads to the ground, singing Holy, holy, holy, magnificent, glorious Lord heaven and earth are full of your glory. You are splendid. You are wondrous, you are magnificent. And we know that our words are not near enough to praise you, to thank you, to glorify you, and to join with you and with the angels and all the beings who celebrate this life of transformation, this life of opportunity, this life of service, and this life of pleasure and joy. Amen.
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