I was wondering about the trucks with flags driving by a city park and the extremely large gathering of motorcycles parading through Comfort Texas. Our friend Mary told me this is 9/11, and many conservatives will be out with their flags, remembering the day, lives lost, and hope for a strong government.

I remember it so well, September 11, 2001, the strange happenings of planes flying into buildings, explosions, and buildings collapsing in on themself. Mostly I remember the terror and shock and my calling out to God, do you know what’s happening? God help! After many cries for help, I heard God answer, ‘Yes, I know.’ After that, I had a need to calm and sort out how I could help. I held a prayer gathering in my tiny bungalow with likely 100 people squeezed in from floor to ceiling. It was apparent we all needed to be together, and we all needed spiritual comfort.

Upon reflection, it is possible a section of our US government, in conjunction with Islamic extremists, did this despicable act of terrorism. Impossible issues of planes cutting out the side of the buildings look more like an energy weapon was somehow directed where planes were impacting buildings.

Was this a ploy to call to arms and enrage people to fight a scapegoated enemy and cause us to launch a war on terrorism? What if this had not happened? Could we have helped in the education and good health of these impoverished folks in the middle east?

Yes, there were and are terrorists. I do not in any way deny that. What our military has done protecting our country is no short of heroic. And, I am concerned that ‘bad actors’ make this terror on the populace. That a story and a narrative are presented to the populace that is not actually true, but is used to manipulate our hearts and minds, and cause the peace movement and the end to world hunger movement to fall to the wayside so we may continue dark activities.

I test an energy weapon that was indeed used in the 9-11 attacks. I also test US officials who knew of it, and 70 governmental people helped with the attack.

This goes against our country’s ‘One Nation Under God’ intent and moves to one nation under satanic manipulation.

So how do we respond? How do we cherish and honor the memory of those lost both in the attacks and in the battle against terrorism? I believe we must hold the soldiers and the innocent folks who lost their lives in deep love and highest regard. The mind manipulation inflicted on us, though, we must shake off. We must pray for those who do us harm, that they either wake up to what they are doing and make amends or that they fall out of positions of power and decrease. Holding prayer as the measure, we will not make a mistake of blame. Blaming another or a group is a trap that holds us in a stasis where we do not/ cannot evolve.