We have had a miraculous week in the blueprint and in the discovery of what has for eons been challenging humankind.
About 20,000 years ago an apparent horrific battle between light and dark took place. A fallen angel of some great power chose the darkness, and 32% of the angelic contingent at that time moved from beings of light to beings of darkness. Our academy’s reference to demons/devils come from the angelic contingent at one point.
I have not searched out all the details of the battle why humanity took a fall at this time also and assume in the coming weeks we will research this tremendous past shifter. The reason I am looking at this is because I feel much of what is happening on earth in the human realm is caused from this long-time spiritual battle. I know humans were in danger of survival, and that this could be largely when the ripping of spirits into multiple pieces occurred. This is a challenge we have continued to resolve one by one for our students restoring the torn off pieces of spirit in our essence class.
Having this gift of being able to restore the spirit is one of the special gifts I came in with. Last week a problem presented itself. Why were there no protectors of the Divine Human blueprint? And we discovered there had been. And they had been ripped apart, torn to shreds unable to do anything for themselves.
Week one I repaired 4 of these spirits and ArchAngel Gabriel agreed to Sheppard the move the coming 23 weeks. During that time he will bring them to classes and I will include them in all major activations of restoration of perception and essence.
This week we continued the work of restoration, to help you comprehend the damage done to these spirits in week 2 which were beyond recognition and so shredded pummel and demolished here are the notes I took on these dear beings;
Repair 5 from previous group of guardians
1 male 19 pieces teal blue
2 male 17 pieces purple
3 male 22 pieces violet
4 male 29 pieces – color forming is orange
5 male 18 pieces indigo the pieces of this one are in very very battered/holes shape, I am repairing as I go
In the previous week we felt emotions, sorrow, grief and joy. This week we did not feel emotions, there was such damage the repair of spirit is beyond miraculous as they were lost forever, now remade and found. There are 2 more that have at least one part of them remaining with some consciousness I will attempt to reform in the coming week and 5 with no consciousness left, that I will also attempt to reform. To the 9 who I have restored spirit, I apologized that no one had discovered this earlier and promised we would do all we could to help them become whole complete beings once more. Some had personality, I felt gentleness from several females, one assertive male wanted to just get on with-it. Then when I explained I would help him he happily settled in for the half year of rebuilding.
The next amazing topic, a few weeks back I removed the darkness from the blueprint. For 12 years it had appeared grey to me. Now every time I go into the blueprint it is beautiful pastels.
And we once again have guardians of the blueprint. In class when I tested there were 13 this is Friday there are now the 16, which was the original number prior to the dark overtaking. I have worked side by side with Mother Mary, the Angels and God to create this new reality. The new guardians are in a stage of training in, and learning how to identify and remove an invader, but there were fewer spiritual interferences this week then in past weeks, so they are learning quickly. I set a parameter that they do this only 10 years and that we have a refreshed group of guardians, so no one bears the responsibility and burden of protecting the sanctity of the divine human blueprint for eons.
There is much happening, much shifting, much to be hopeful for.
This work is being done in the upper level classes largely the Quantum Mastery Ignite and Activate and the Ascension 2020 programs. To be part of the shift and witness these activations and increases in light please join in.