The average engagement set point during the lock-down for most individuals is under 10% engaged. Under normal circumstances around 40%. That is actually a big difference in how engaged and committed we are to creating a great life.

If you are having trouble navigating life, getting your work done, even getting your housework done, the low set point of engagement could be one of the reasons.

You might think of Engagement going along hand-in-hand with Passion. Passion is part of the area of our energetic body found along with engagement in perception. Passion is a fever or a drive to engage in life. It is strong, has hope and engages the spirit in the body beautifully.  Looking at the two: passion and engagement the question becomes, how do we reset the low set point under the current suppressing condition of governance and once reset, how do we maintain the higher engagement? 

In this current lock-down there is oppression and suppression of rights. Many, almost all aspects and areas of life are affected by governance. The important question becomes; how do we hold the space for a passionate joyous engaged life?

Of course we can always do a right permission and ability to live a fully passionately engaged life in this moment and for all time to come. That would be a great clearing, but it is not the full answer.  In addition to clearing and daily quantum meditation, one thing that really helps is cardio exercise. I’ve been enjoying some boisterous water aerobics at our club recently. I do find myself clear headed and more able, more engaged after a session. If you’re able to do some kind of cardio daily and especially if it’s outside which is even more engaging that is super helpful.  When you’re engaging with nature as well spirit in body and improving brain and body chemistry, I know this really helps with your engagement in the world. Stay positive and know the best is yet to come!

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