In the midst of the mayhem of political and global events it is time to strengthen your body and your resolve, focus in and pick-up traction in what really matters to you!
I must admit in a moment of pondering “what’s going on God?” I receive some beautiful clarity and insight about what next to do. Ironically, it is the same thing that I have been doing. But we are asked not to get out of the whirly swirly energies of chaos and destruction and focus on the energies and experience we intend to create in our immediate present and upcoming future.
A few good steps to take to get out of whirly swirly energies.
- Make a list, make many lists if that will help, keep what you need to do written down as well as in your mind. One list could be, what would really help me feel grounded and strong? Another could be what item actions do I need to do to move my business forward? What things have slipped that need to be brought current? What foods will help me feel strong and sure today, and this week?
- Amplify self-love and self-care. Schedule a massage or facial, get your nails done, take a brisk walk each day, join an exercise group
- Schedule a lunch or dinner with a friend, or friends, let the topics of conversation be light and fun, find reasons to laugh.
As I spoke with the Divine, I heard what I have heard before. There is a plan in place, and I am not involved with all the working parts. I need not know in advance everything that is planned. There will be more joy and strength in my life and world if I stick to the plan laid out for me, the plan I worked out with Creator God to assist in repair and restoration or the Divine Blueprint, Personal Blueprints, the restoration or the light brigade, the healing and revitalization of the angelic realm and especially archangels. And the continual drive towards purity and truth in 2021.
Everything going forward must exemplify love. Pray for those who you might have deemed an enemy or assigned fault to. Pray they be brought to purity and truth. Love must be the guiding force through this interesting and often challenging time. How we do that easily is to make sure we are fully fueled.
Attend class as often as possible. Be in the higher energies of the quantum field daily. Do your meditations. Stay on course. You are a vital and very important member of our quantum movement. Our academy seeks to move humanity forward in ascension, and in the evolution of our sovereignty as a human race.
Now we are in a 10 year plan, we are just completing year one, and have caused incredible shifts and changes for the course and trajectory of humanity on the planet. Your mission should you choose to accept is to hang in there with me and keep doing the work we are called to do. This is a very sacred and holy mission.
I am deeply grateful for your loving support right now. It means the world to me.