Last year we were witness to a laser that started the fires immediately around our California home. The news was reporting dry lighting as a new term to confuse the population, but at 2:30 am, as the weapon began being fired into the skies, we witnessed the laser coming from the east shooting sometimes as far as 20 miles of horizontal ‘lightening.’ The strikes were direct from the direct energy weapon DEW owned by AT&T, and within two days surfaced, caught on Doppler radar and an honest weather person shared it for all to see, this was immediately suppressed, but we saw it with our own eyes. Seven minutes after the weapon started firing, the electricity went off, too coincidental for me; PG&E, owned by the same parent company, had turned off our lights, and for us with a gate controlled by electricity, trapped us in our home. I later learned there is a switch to release the gate for just such occasions, so now we know, but we felt and believed we were trapped at the time. A few days later, we escaped the fires heading on a plane to Minnesota to be around family, unsure if our house would be devastated for weeks.
When we moved out to the country in Carmel Valley, the first two years, there were no chemtrails. Chemtrails is another weather manipulation, as well as a weapon that breaks down the functioning of the human brain as it releases aluminum into the air, a well-known neurotoxin. However, by 2018 we had gotten on the map for chemtrails, and though not like the massive chemtrails in Arizona we saw when visiting my folks, we now were experiencing chemtrails routinely.
When we moved to Texas, relieved to move into a conservative area, with less funny notions about governing bodies harming the population, a huge punishment hit the population with what is not referred to as a snowpocalypse. This was spoken in the news oddly by politicians as a punishment and served those Texans right. There is no doubt this was planned; the grid went down, and we were without heat and water off and on for a week. At one point, I was so cold, and with no thyroid, my body wasn’t organically warming up. I wondered if I would die of cold and were reassured by Jesus I would not die. Adelia, my hotblooded daughter, would stand screaming full volume for hours at the end of the bed, I under every cover and towel we owned in my rented bed, tried to keep warm.
I do not yet know what weapon created this kind of weather manipulation, but in my heart and spirit, that felt like an attack when it happened, and as I reflect on this.
A DEW is a broad, more encompassing term for two types of weapon, laser and microwave powered.
Where we live now, there has been a recent gorilla hail and flash flooding, which also feels like weather manipulation. I shall be keeping eye ears, and senses open to understanding the causes of these phenomena and how I might work to neutralize these issues. We have been caught out on the road 3 times now while flash flooding is happening, very intense to have rivers of water flooding the roads and no obvious place to go for safety.
As we began to ponder what is being done to manipulate weather, we must also look to our ownership and authority as sovereign beings on the planet. How might we neutralize and disappear these weapons meant to harm our human population?
I do have some skill with the weather; cloud splitting is one example that is easily done with an intention and skill set. However, we must begin to question how to counter the weather manipulations that would most serve us to experiencing a peaceful, harmonious life.
This is so fresh to me at this moment as yesterday Aladdin cleaners came to clean and remove smoke damage to our furniture. They did an amazing job; the furniture is like new, something I could not have even hoped for. There are no chemtrails in Boerne. NONE. Very grateful to be free to move.