I am free to live a life of spiritual energetic freedom and full self-expression
This is a freedom we are created to experience, and when we say this, we affirm our creator God and the magnificence we were originally created in
Liberated in love, purity, truth, light, life, gratitude and mastery
We are liberated in what is right, pure loving and true, and we are liberated in that which supports life and the wisdom that comes from practice learning and finally being a master of love-wisdom
In this embodiment here and now
We clam and affirm this freedom based on truth immediately, not some time or in another era when the stars align better, but right now, today.
I am responsible for any limits I experience in this incarnation
And the moment we claim we are responsible for anything that stops us we gain power over it and if we say this is over me or this binds me, we lose our power to the thing…it is an illusion, but one we support by saying yes to the illusion or Taking full power back by declaring I created this I will transform it
and have complete access to God’s Blessings through prayer, activations, contemplation, charting
Our first tool is prayer, followed by the gifts God have given us to clear the obstacles in our path
Prayer, connecting with the Divine, praise adoration, expressing need and intention, requesting as a worthy child of God who is deserving of all love
to release myself from any bonds of imprisonment I have worn as spiritual clothing that no longer resonate with my essence
The bonds of imprisonment are columns 2-6 on our master chart; we release ourselves with Gods assistance through prayer and clearing and know these issues perhaps once resonated with something we thought or held importantly, but now just an impediment to our profound ascension process
resonate with my essence
Align with my spirit, my true authentic nature born of God