Recently I have experienced some hair loss. This isn’t entirely new, having not yet grown back my thyroid, my hair can fall out related to thyroid levels and also adrenal stress. But, gosh, I didn’t think it should be falling out, meaning my life is pretty balanced, my girl is more stable, work is going well and although the thyroid levels are lower because my meds were lowered, still I thought no this doesn’t make sense to me. I began to wonder, ponder and put my thoughts in my consciousness on what was behind the hair stress. I was surprised that Adelia’s hair was falling out. Now she has a ton of hair, but still highly unusual.
My thoughts went to columns 3 and 5 of the master chart, okay so some kind of anchors and aliens. So that was the confirmation I was going down the right track, this was not a natural body stress biologic occurrence. I heard radiation and was pulled into the past where I observed myself being startled by things occurring at my California home that did not relate to the natural world at all. 2 years ago, I found in the California house play yard, our toy bins, the plastic covers had disintegrated. Upon going inside, I noticed my slipper, the soul of it which was some kind of plastic, had disintegrated. I also remember now that at that time I was in a constant feeling I was in danger. My body and my very life were in danger. I remember I was thinking I need to move away from here. This is not a safe place.
Right around that time we had witnessed with our own eyes the ATT-owned DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) which had shot a ray across the sky, igniting a 20-mile horizontal looking like lightning going the wrong way. It was 2:37 am Adelia and I were sitting on the rocking chair on my bedroom patio located on the upper level of the house. This clearly was not natural lightning. They were calling it dry lightning and saying it was a new phenomenon, but it had been caught on doppler radar and did make it into a couple of the alternative podcaster’s videos that week. # fires started surrounding our home, causing us to flee. We evacuated for 6 1/2 weeks. The fires burned down many homes, factories, and industrial buildings, the air was poisonous, still, we were anxious to get back into our home.
You may not know our home in CA was relatively close to the linear accelerator, about 100 miles. we would drive past it on our way up to San Francisco. I had first-hand knowledge of the Linear Accelerator as I had a few dates with the scientist who managed it. I was privileged to take a private tour of the entire facility and have the scientist explain in layman’s terms what they were up to at the time. Teams of researchers would come in and work on their projects for periods of time. This becomes important to know, in present time.
Apparently, a team of researchers from the field of science weaponry formed a weapon to use against the human population. The director of the formation of this weapon is none other than Reptilian. 5 of the scientists had a reptilian occupation of their bodies.
* I want to note here we are working on removing the Golden thread, something that will take time. Right now this allows for the occupation of the human body by alien races. It will take time but I have hopes this alien occupation will eventually be illuminated. We cannot do the full removal safely for anyone yet of the golden thread.
The descriptive words I gave it was ‘Reptilian Radiation Weapon’. (RRW) – In my research, I discovered it had been around 2 years developed with the use of the linear accelerator. A Global organization developed it inspired by B4 Reptilian CD 6th alien found on our master chart. This specialized radiation is being broadcast out from 4 locations on the globe and is used as a weapon. It is using the 5 g and will be able to will ride off the 6 G even more as it comes out.
This reptilian radiation weapon is affected through some kind of specialized dehydration
- neurotransmitters
- chemistry
- scalp which accounts for significant hair loss
- bladder weakness pain
- dry eyes
- dehydration in brain
For those thinking they would like to make headway in this situation, platter (many hours) can be very helpful in clearing.