God of creation, God of purity and truth, God of life. We call upon your holy name, Elohim, Trinity, Mother, Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, come, come to us now. We thank you. We thank you for the beautiful holiday that we are progressing through, the celebration of the birth of Christ, the celebration of God on Earth. We celebrate our life with you. We celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries and birthdays of children. We celebrate just being created in the image and likeness of God. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, God, for the amazing life that you’ve given us and all that we have to look forward to, and all that is ahead. God, keep us and our hearts uplifted. Keep us in your mercy and your tenderness. Keep us in your joy and help us to travel this journey uplifted with pillar, fully engaged, allowing us to always feel peaceful and calm.
We ask that you give us an incredible level of resilience, especially for the moms who have kids home from school who are really good at just chipping away at mommy, doing like 40 naughty things before mommy finally loses it. <Laugh>, We ask that you just give us that beautiful resilience and also that you calm the children, that they don’t need to do this, that there’s plenty of wonder and joy and just enjoying the week without all the mischief.
God, thank you so much for revealing to us the neurotoxicity, the neurotoxins of sugar, and just helping us to, even though it is a holiday where sugar is associated with the holiday, just taking that out of the equation. Maybe a tiny butterscotch or a tiny this or that, but really just those big full-on desserts and plates of cookies and all of that, that we’re just able to just step away from that and say, “No, thank you. I’m just not interested in ingesting neurotoxins in my body.”
God, we are asking for a clearer understanding of what causes things like herpes, like HIV and like AIDS, to stay in the body. And we’re asking that a formula that you give us can be developed so that we might fully and completely understand it and remove it. And so if there’s chemical makeup, if there’s a metal makeup, if there’s a nano – whatever that is kind of technology – in the body, if there’s a weapon laying in our skin or in our body, God show us. Give us the answers. Show me; help me make a chart that is extremely effective in weapons formed against us in the body, and things like Lyme’s and the tick and these different illnesses that are coming from bugs and insects and parasites.
God, we are asking that all these weaponized illnesses, that we have an answer, that we understand how to end it. And, as many of us are able to end the relationship with whatever illnesses, cancers have been programmed into us, are ready to go off like a time bomb even without the DNA, God, we thank you. We thank you for the answers. We are willing, we are able, we are capable and ready to receive the answers from you. We are ready to act on them. We are ready to be obedient to whatever you suggest or tell us to do. Whatever we need to stop using, a medication or a food, or a plastic or a microwave, or whatever it is, God, show us. Show us the answer we need. We need to understand it so we can end being in any kind of collaboration, any kind of “don’t care”, any kind of cooperation with any physical illness, any weapon formed against us, that somehow we’ve become apathetic to or resigned to, or in a hopeless state, too.
God, thank you. Thank you for the answer, but thank you already. We claim it, created in your image and likeness, and we claim it as your son told us “these and even greater things than these, you shall also do”. We claim it. We claim it. We accept it. We thank you, God. We thank you for that, those answers, in your perfect timing and whenever that is, we are here to receive. And God, thank you for the beautiful holiday. Thank you for the gifts that come. Thank you for the wealth and abundance that we have in this country and in each of our homes, in each of our hearts. Thank you for the abundance we have, even though it looks as though the runaway inflation and all the strange things happening with money, that we understand that we are blessed, that we are not on a street starving, and our children are not dying from a starvation and illness. And we thank you for that.
And we look back at our ancestors and not so far back in our family when Grandma Adelia lost three of her little boys under the age of five to basically starvation and malnutrition from just not having food to put on the table, not being able to care for them properly, to keep them alive. And we, we thank you that you have made such great leaps and huge leaps for us, that we are in such a different place than our recent ancestors. And we also thank you for the freedom that we experienced that, again, looking back on my recent ancestors, my grandma Grace sold into slavery, indentured servitude, my father, an indentured servant, my great-grandmother, Elizabeth, an indentured servant, a maid sold out at eight years old as a maid, to make money for her family. And we can look way back into the family and see that this servitude of slavery had gone on for a long time. And so we feel very, very invested in what’s going on. We understand that it’s been going on a long time. We understand that there are family lines and it might be in our family line and we seek to break it. We also seek to break it for all of humanity. No slavery, no debt slavery, no sex slavery, no child slavery, no woman slavery, no human slavery. We just seek to see that completely come to an end. God, we are grateful. We celebrate.
God, we are asking for a great clarity tomorrow as we seek to really truly understand why Jesus came and get the full blessings. I know you have at least 23 blessings that Christ did for us so that we might feel closer to you, that we might walk more hand-in-hand with you, if we believe in Christ as the one condition, then it overrides many things and overrides the demonic forces in so many ways and allows access to heaven and to you.
God, help us to be clear. Help us to be clear receivers. Help us to see and understand and know and document so that we might not just live in magical thinking, which is all right, magical thinking is okay, but that we might have the actual. This is actually the things that were promised and given to us, and these are what we receive when we say “yes” to Christ. And we say “yes” to the walk with you, God. And we thank you, and we thank you for pillar. We thank you for that gift. And we understand that there have been interventions since God source creation, since you created us. And we ask to be more aware and more open to understanding what those interventions were. We can see it because as we pray, things change. As we pray things shift and yet somehow we disregard it and we think that you are not active. I don’t know how we do that, God, but somehow we cancel that out. Well, that was my little prayer and it did get answered, but that’s not the bigger picture. But it is the bigger picture, and we know that that’s how you move with us in, in and through our prayers, and in and through our intentions, and in and through our walk with you. So God, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Heavenly Father, Lord of hosts, King of kings, Creator, Restorer, Destroyer, Destroyer of evil. Thank you God.
God, we pray for the Jewish people. We pray for the Islamic people. We pray for the Hindus, and we pray for all peoples of the earth. And we ask that there be a distilling and a clarity and understanding that you are God, and that any kind of false God where somebody’s actually, accidentally, worshiping a Kur or accidentally worshiping a Pleiadean, or accidentally worshiping a Reptilian, in any case where that’s happening, God, and they’re innocent, and they are thinking they are honoring you, show them and open that door so that they might be, as they offer their worship, that that worship go to you alone. That it go to you, God, that you, to all glory be given. And that if there are accidents happening and they just are doing what their family taught them to do and yet they’re coming with a sincere and open heart, and they want the love that you have to offer, they want the peace that you have to offer, they want to walk with you, that you open the door, even if they have never heard of you, God, in the way that we know you, even if they’ve never heard of Christ, in the way that we know Christ. We ask that there be such an opening for those who are especially sincere and devout and willing and wanting to walk side-by-side with you in God-sourced creation.
We pray for our community of 6,000 members and strong and more, and all the energetic Beings that are Beings and consciousness and Angels and Humans and all who are seeking <laugh>, I get the word “asylum” in your love. We’re seeking asylum in heaven, and we’re seeking to understand and be a bright shining light in earth realm. And we just ask for a clearer and better understanding. Thank you for giving us the task of understanding weapons formed against us. Thank you for giving us the understanding, just now, of weapons formed against us, meaning there are different versions of us and Elohim and will need clearing. And the Angel 23, which is also a like Elohim, another name like Elohim, they’re going to need clearing; Arch Angels are going to need clearings that we haven’t mapped, yet, on our human clearing master chart. And I just ask that, in your graciousness and in your holiness and in your love and in your compassion and great mercy for us, that you gently and easily, without any difficulty, provide for me the details that will help all of our community, all of our energetic community, perhaps even the Arcturian, perhaps. And I’m seeing the Arcturians as saying, “Please. We do need, we do need help as well.” The Pleiadeans are also saying, “We do need help as well.” So God, you show me those weapons, energetic weapons formed against our community, those who are created in the image and likeness of you and those who are yours, who are your chosen. And so we know that we have your children and your chosen.
And we stand with you, God, and we walk with you and we declare our loyalty, our love, our faithfulness, and our willingness to serve. We rededicate our lives to you at this Christmas tide and the completion of another year, 2022, ending the six, number six year – 2, 2, 2. That’s a six, and that year of love, and moving into a seven year – 2, 2, 3 – a year of completion and fulfillment and mastery. God, thank you. And thank you for giving us a vision of what 2023 will be, where we knew that we were now creating a life built on and focused on an enhancing life, built on purity and truth. And now, we move into the next year and are open to hearing the path that you have to give us. That direction looks like clearing all the weaponry will be an important part of this first quarter, this first half of the 2023 year.
God, shower your blessings on every person here who is attending live in the Forever Program and continue to fund them so that they’re able to attend classes. We ask that you shower your wealth and abundance on them. We ask that they be in great receivership. We thank you, God. We thank you for hearing every one of our prayers and answering in your Divine timing.
And God, for those issues from the newsletter, for the parachute children, for the bots, for those being created into meat that’s human waste that’s put on as fertilizer on food, and noticed that that affected Henry, because his birth mother obviously ate that food, and so, that we’re clearing that from Henry, and it might affect some of our children or our brothers and sisters who aren’t so conscious and are eating things that maybe they shouldn’t be. God, we just pray for humanity. We pray for an end to the human trafficking. And we pray for an end, as well, to the vaccinations altogether, that vaccinations completely come to an end, and that these coffins that are getting piled up on baskets that that be a failed idea, that that not come to fruition. That the 25 prototypes that are in use right now in Europe and Spain, that those go away, that those become obsolete and that the makers of the guillotines, that those, those go away as well, and any other evil devices, weapons formed against us that are in physical form. Yep. This all to cover for this moment in prayer.
We welcome in all of the Angels, the Golden Legion, six Angel 16, Angel 23, Arc Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim, Guardian Angels, Death Angels, Wisdom and Love Angels. We welcome in those few that are in the Powers Group that have stepped away from evil and are attempting to step back into a Godly Divine life, and Principalities, that they might find you again. God, we welcome them if they are truly and sincerely earnestly seeking you and earnestly seeking a transformation after being pulled off their path for so long, but only and completely if they are willing to 100% commit to the journey of serving humanity, not harming humanity. And I do see a few joining our community for the first time.
We welcome in the Goddesses of Light, the Sentient Beings from other realms and dimensions, including the Arcturian and Pleiadean, Consciousness Beings. There’s a few Swedes that are entering in for the first time coming into our community. Again, same restrictions. You are welcome. You are definitely welcome, but this is a God journey. You’re not here to glean information and use it against humanity. So this is, you are very welcome. Yes. You may come in.
A few Tall Whites are coming in. I hear from the Tall Whites, they’ve, they’ve had enough. This is not the whole Tall Whites. This is a handful saying they’ve had enough of evil against humanity. They’ve just had enough. It’s, it’s enough.
Hmm. I just asked because we have all these new Beings that are coming, that I’m surprised if somebody’s recruiting them and they said, “no”, and “yes”, that they can see the shifts. God has allowed them to see what’s been going on and they want to join in. They want to be a help. I can see each of these different Alien groups will be able to help with some of the technologies that have been used against us so that there might be assignments given once they’re established in our community just like the Arcturians are breaking down The Beast. And I’m just hearing a resounding “Yes. We want to help. We want to stop this.”
All right. So there’s a fairly large group of new Beings, Aliens, handfuls of each different one. We can see if we can document that after the prayer, what has come in. We’re going to keep moving along with the prayer, now.
We welcome in the Sentient Beings from the earth in its entire realm, Sentient Beings from the entire realm of the earth, and also not just the realm of the earth, but the dimensions of the earth and the locations of the earth and the expanded earth. Good. All right. And consciousness, of course, the Beings of Consciousness, only, that are not considered Beings per se, but are consciousness who are serving in our community. We welcome you in. We welcome in the Water Beings, the Mer, the Dolphin, the Whale, and all intelligent Water Creatures and Beings. We welcome in, also, the Beings who were potentially created out of something the Nephilim did, but are innocent and are not harming or doing something to harm. We welcome in the Fairy and the Nature Spirits and knowing that they may have some challenges in their nature, God, and they are, if they’re in our community, they are seeking to be chosen ones to be aligned with you, God. So if you would hone and refine their natures in such a way that they would be recognizable as yours.
Okay. There, I think children are, Adelia is coming back in.
We welcome in the Light Brigade, Jesus Christ and his followers, Mother Mary and the Marias, and Theodore and Guardians of the Blueprint. Thank you God. We celebrate our large community that is ever expanding. And we celebrate our life and welcome in each and every individual student to us here who’s participating live or participating in the replay. And so it is Amen.