As the week slugged on and the fourth of July arrived, I still found myself exhausted weak, and greatly in need of more rest and so my freedom-loving celebration day was about managing 3 little ones and resting every second I could. I had meant to get out our Sunday newsletter for that day, but I was still just to spent writing, so we went a week without a newsletter.

I was happy to step outside on my front porch and see a few fireworks in the distance and call it good, making a promise that next year, we’ll be heading to fun and fireworks as a family, and this past few weeks of baby vomit, diarrhea, buggers nose and evening crying would be dim if not forgotten memory.

I do indeed live in freedom and am so grateful for my beautiful family. To have the freedom to love and care for these beautiful children is a tremendous blessing, and with honor comes the handwork as well.

One of my conclusions was never again, but you know you can’t say never again unless you are dead right? I mean, challenges and exhaustion come. That is part of life.

My takeaways:

  1. Going back to my break week, I used to either take a few days off or a short vacation every so often, meaning fairly regularly so I could feel rested and caught up. I chatted with Todd about this and we started to work in a short week about every 5th week where we’d do class just Mon and Tue and rest or a quick relaxing vacation could be possible.
  2. Get my nutrition and supplements sorted at a higher level for combating all the crazy bioweapon cold and flu stuff the kids pick up in day care
  3. Have fun and get in the water and hiking to get my body, and egersis honed up once more, I did my water aerobics today again felt amazing!
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