Where typically, a team of 3 or more individuals who, as their job, observe the activities of a person by viewing, using psychic skills. Testing this is witchcraft. What they observe is reported to the agency they work for or were hired by. We looked at several sources of remote viewers in the Pure Potential calls. I am very sure there are many more. Below is a list we came up with in class:
- DOJ Department of Justice receives orders from the Pentagon on who to watch.
- The World Health Organization got its instruction from Reptoid originally.
- DOD Department of Defense had the kurs directing them.
- Army receive their orders from the Pentagon
- The branch of the CIA had the kurs directing them.
- Pentagon had the kurs directing them.
- Marines their orders from the Pentagon
- Chinese – directed by a single lead demon
- Hopi they report findings to the Pentagon
What would the purpose of this remote vowing be? Again here are a few things we picked up during class, I am again sure there are more things being done and for more reasons, but we can at least begin to understand by looking at what we gleaned below.
- Gather information
- Punish
- Control
- Use info gathered to direct harm toward a person and their children without watching the children.
- The goal is to stop the work of someone fighting for the rights of humanity and end their life.
- From the information gathered, attempts to put male plants as love interests that would distract a person take them off course of the work they do to serve humanity.
- Data gathered going into an algorithm used by AI
- Provide to MKUltra AI pentagon algorithms
- For control manipulation to break apart an individual’s personality, weaken their power
Remote viewing is on a schedule. Here is an example of how the different sources use a remote viewing schedule:
- 6 times a day 5-minute duration
- Daily Every 8 hours 40 min
- Every 13 months Constant viewing for 6 weeks
- 10 times a day, 20 min
- 1 time 20 weeks constant
- 1 time 5 months constantly
- Yearly 3 hours
How to respond to the intrusion of remote viewers.
Ask God in prayer to shut it down and to stop them.
Imagine a black garage door going down.
Chopping for 6 min if you see them, look straight into their face as you chop and watch them disappear.