I spent much of Friday working on stuff related to Adelia. Without a lot of effort, I was able to complete everything I had intended to and pull together a presentation for the therapist to use when negotiating with the insurance people on Monday.

We’ve been pummeling away at deep-state storms and assassination issues and not letting any time go by too quickly.  I understand this is very important.

Two things happened this week that were a bit of an inconvenience, and my response to them was I need time to pray about it.

The first one shocked me. Henry was not going to be given a social security card because of my age. Yep. Unbelievable right?  I did get through to a person who could help and she acknowledged the flawed system, and did give Henry a SS number I should have this week. She said it wasn’t a person who made that decision, it was an algorithm – meaning some kind of AI.

The second was also a shock. After spending the day with Adelia for her birthday on Wednesday, on the drive home, I got a call from her therapist that insurance was pulling the plug and I would have to take her home, even though we have not yet seen therapeutic progress yet. I told the therapist I needed an hour of prayer to think and meditate on this. I awoke with clarity and sent a short 8 second video of Adelia in her worst moment chasing me with a knife, you get the picture. A few hours later, the therapist called and said wow, I don’t know what happened. It’s like the insurance agent is advocating for Adelia and wanting her to continue care with us. I did tell the therapist what I had done, and she gave me the new conditions of her stay, which I worked on the things she asked for so she would be amply prepared to address the insurance folks on Monday.

What is amazing in both these stories was my apparent complete lack of control in the circumstances, I can’t change the age I am, or the notification no more approved days from insurance, and yet God in His infinite wisdom in a moment could change it all. Whether working through my hand or my voice, I am clear both could have been long drawn out problems, but instead in a very short time both came to a positive outcome.

We can live believing there are endless problems and that life will never be easy, or we can live in the possibility that God has got every issue handled and in His right time, which for me this week was very rapid, he will make things right. ‘God works all things together for good for those who love the Lord’ and ‘I know my plans for you are good.’ Living in God’s promise I am deeply  grateful for the ease of challenging circumstances.

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