We began our first of the March CIA clearings with some pretty shocking revelations. The CIA was not started by humans but rather by a group of consciousnesses who sought to control the movement and activity of potentially potent-effect humans.

From column 40, we begin to learn about the suppression sequencing handlers we identified in name only a few months back. There are 26 total types of suppression handlers. The CIA has 7 established types, with 673 consciousnesses running the show. They are devoid of morality and equate the human race to a kind of rat creature—easily manipulated, easily controlled.

The 7 CIA handlers consist of 673 consciousnesses. They are quite powerful in their control and manipulation. The CIA wasn’t started with human people. And I want to be clear—this group is not part of the deep state group. This group of consciousnesses began their control over humans only about 3,000 years ago.

It looks like about 83 years ago, they began to see the value of having ‘boots on the ground.’ It looks like it took them 6 years to pull together the original group heading up the Central Intelligence Agency—September 18, 1947.

It was started with these consciousnesses. The CIA human leaders don’t think they (humans) are in control. It appears they know the consciousnesses are in charge. Having no human compass of right and wrong, and the attitude that anything goes, is why the CIA is very devoid of morality.

Now let’s look at the 7 types of Suppression Sequencing run by these handlers.

To my eye, it appears the suppression sequencing is similar to a complex curse in that there are layers to the suppression, and these come in a sequential order.

  1. Made up of 136 consciousnesses, targets those from God Cloud 4. About 30% appears to be a kind of random sample. In this type, there are 57 sequences to prevent different kinds of fulfillment. It looks like a failure mechanism, and many of these are overrides to intentions.
  2. Made up of 9 consciousnesses, 9 suppression sequences involved.
  3. Made up of 8 consciousnesses, 13 suppression sequences involved.
  4. Made up of 227 consciousnesses, targets 13 suppression sequences involved.
  5. Made up of 88 consciousnesses, targets some European (4 countries) humans with the intention to shorten life span. 117 suppression sequences are used to enable the success of this group.
  6. Made up of 197 consciousnesses, targets all humans from God—all clouds—clan ties to those previously controlled and experimented on. 9 suppression sequences involved.
  7. Made up of 8 consciousnesses, 8 suppression sequences incorporated.

A total of 673 consciousnesses run 7 suppression cells, entirely directing the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

  • Remote viewers
  • Mind control
  • Manipulation
  • Technology
  • Kill programs
  • Prevention of people excelling
  • Implementing some of the former Kurs technology
  • Black ops
  • Torture: mental, emotional, physical, sexual
  • Can rape you energetically
  • Cause fatigue
  • Prevent learning
  • Can cause illness
  • Directed at individuals
  • Directed at groups
  • Directed at political figures
  • Manufactures miasms
  • Group mind control

We are a work in progress. I am sure as we continue our clearings, we will gain even more knowledge of the CIA.