CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN’s main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research – as a result, numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN through international collaborations. 

I had the opportunity to date the managing director of the Sanford Linear Accelerator and he was happy to give me a guided tour, while research was going on. This was a good 30 years ago, but I have a sense of the work and have had a direct look at the shapes and sizes of the machinery. 

The Cern program was to be closed out, but it does continue to operate. 

Recently they have been opening portals. releasing some fallen angels who were trapped in the underworld. as well they have been creating large unusual animals some more physical, some more ghostly, and are releasing them on the general population. 

Just after this first release about 2 months back I had a large lion-faced creature in my bedroom, I said what are you doing here, get out and it immediately left. These animals are being released to create a sense of disturbance and fear. The animals are not, from what I can tell, dangerous or menacing; they are confused, don’t know where they are and do not have high intelligence. One of our participants reported a large snake-like creature, the same idea, non-threatening didn’t have an intent to harm. 

Should you encounter them tell them, as I did with my physical voice: what are you doing here you need to leave now. That should in the immediate time do the trick. We will need to look at how to remove them, and if they have a realm to return to. I do not think they do, I think these things were manufactured to create a feeling of fear and unrest.  Somehow the accelerator/collider is generating this stuff.   

This looks like a collaboration with the moon chain being, which is an alien on our list of Spiritual Interferences. Well, lots of weird strange stuff going on these days. If you’ve seen them, you are not crazy, they are there.