The path of serenity: Julie Renee enjoys a blissful walking meditation on sandy beaches

Occasionally someone asks me to give me the words that they can read into their ipod or mp3 player, so they can listen to their own voice when moving through a guided meditation. For that purpose, I created this meditation for you to enjoy and use. In your quest to discover how to meditate properly and how to access all the benefits of meditation, it is good to experience a variety of healing meditations. Notice what works best for you. I like to tell my students; “there is no right way for everyone, just your way for now until you find another!”

Meditation, just like life is a journey. If you have been stuck in a rut with your meditation doing the same one everyday, now would be a great time to mix it up! Once you learn how to meditate properly you can enjoy of wealth of unique and beautiful healings and get the full health and longevity benefits of meditation.

Meditation: I am safe in present time

Take a deep breath in and relax. Begin to feel your body surrender to the softness of meditation. If you can, allow your eyes to slowly drift shut and relax. Send a grounding chord down from the base of your spin to the center of the earth, make it nice and wide and release all the stress and tension from the day week, month and year. You are safe. Release your male or female body, grounding and clearing as we go.

See your adrenal glands in your mind’s eye. They are acorn shaped glands about two inches off the spine and an inch or so up from the waist. Ground each of your adrenals with a line of energy as wide as your wrist hollow in the center down to the base of the spine (first chakra) and then down to the center of the earth. Set the adrenals on release and begin to release all the stress out/fight or flight energy from the adrenals. Let go of tension and totally relax.

Draw a line between the sciatic nerve to the adrenal grounding and imagine grounding and releasing your entire nervous system through the adrenals. Release the congestion, gunky goopy built up tar like energy (if you have it) from your nervous system. Continue to relax and let go.

Ground a line of energy from the center of your head (close to your brain stem) and first brain (the reptilian brain). Press an imaginary release button at the bottom of the brain stem. Release the congested, reactive, darting energy of the first brain drown through the first chakra. Send the pent up energy down to the center of the earth.
Invite your emotional brain, (the second brain that wraps around the first brain) to release through the same grounding chord. Let go of emotional tensions and thoughts of stress or impending doom.

Allow the stored memories that have negatively affected your feelings of safety a place to surface as black dots in the brain, using a golden vacuum cleaner, vacuum up the black dots. Bring a golden sun to the top of your head and fill in all the newly cleared places in the body with Gold. Affirm that you are safe, secure and all is now well in you wonderful world.
Open your feet chakras to earth energy running energy up through your feet, ankles, shins, calves, knees, thighs out the hips and down the grounding chord. Bring in universal energy through the back of your head, down your neck and shoulders, out the arms and finger tips as well as down through your back channels, looping back up through the pelvic cradle, up the belly through the chest, neck and head, fountaining out the top of the head ,cleansing your aura.

Pull your aura into your body about 36 inches from your skin. Make sure the aura has a sharp defined edge to it. Place your protection rose at the front edge of your aura and ground it to the center of the earth.

Bring a golden sun to the top of your head, see yourself as a spirit sitting peacefully ready to come fully back into your body. Give yourself the validation you richly deserve: you are safe lovable and loving, you are strong healthy vibrant beautiful wise and strong.

Bring yourself as a spirit back into your body along with this golden sun, filled with validation. Breathe in and out several times deeply feeling energized and renewed ready to face your life with a restored sense of safety. May it be with the blessings of the supreme being that this healing meditation is complete!

Welcome back!

Personal meditations and healings in a one to one setting during session time also address, our family patterns, through DNA clearings, our present life, timelines as well as clearing stored emotions in other parts of the physical body, and past life influences. If you found this meditation helpful, and you feel there may be more to clear, please call and we can set aside special personal time for you to be loving guided and supported in going deeper.
The benefit to this meditation is it allows you to experience present time, joys and happiness without the weight of fears and worries to overshadow your present moments.
Joy and happiness, peace and love, that’s my theme the more, the better!