A few mornings ago, as I was waking from my dream state, I heard, we are not the same, not what we had been in our origins in perception.  With this very busy week, I haven’t had time to contemplate the meaning of this, so as Adelia naps (Saturday afternoon), I’ll attempt to understand what this means and how the change affected us.

First, we were all part of a great God Cloud. There are numerous God Clouds, but I’ll include us all as in one group for the sake of getting through this idea.

Creator God was beyond this,  so the Elohim, God of Creation, was not part of this conversation or transforming.  Angels, Elf, and Humans were part of this.

I see someone separated us with giftings; we were all equally pure and wonderous.

We were initially energy, not yet spirit. At this point, we were a collective energy being. It appears Elf was the first to split off. They left in the group energy, and individuated, still energy beings, not yet spirit.

Elf developed gifts as energy beings; their strength was in golden light. They sought to glean knowledge of the existence and began to develop areas in perception. Character and resonance formed first. In this developing phase, they wanted more; they began to wonder how they could be more than just energy and knowledge. They developed perception, which is the energy aspect of each of us, but as perception developed, pure energy that was once now became changed. With the holding of knowledge, some information was impure. Pure energy became an amalgamation and a transformation affected who we all would become.

I can see how it was exciting with the advent of being able to learn and, on some level evolve, we left behind our ascension for the opportunity to learn, grow and be.  Angels followed, and then humans had their chance as well to individuate and explore.

The change was from the state of purity of basically mindless ascension in a pure energy form to an individuated being who sought knowledge, experience, interaction, and life. It appears the purity of our energetic nature had remained at 30% of what it once was when it was entirely pure energy.

This week, we had some very long charts, seeking to return to our original God-aligned state from the beginning. The charts I am referring to were each over 100 hours of clearing time. This seems to be the reason. I want to point out we were not seeking wisdom; we were seeking knowledge. We did not lose power, and we did not lose God’s connection in this great experiment, but we did change.

There is so much of our story that is untold; I look forward to the insights as they come; of course, I will always share them with you!