Julie Renee offers program for living your highest self…..

Your Potential for Greatness

Last night while enjoying dinner with my East Indian companion we had a conversation about human nature I found fascinating. My friend’s theory is that we all have the capacity to harm others and live into our lower nature.  He went on to give examples of the Hitler’s, Sadam’s and the recent gunmen of a school tragedy.

Although I did not feel I could disagree with his points, I also knew that this was not the conversation I was interested in amplifying. Remember what you focus on good or bad is what you can attention to and what you energize as real. When you have a conversation about how bad it is you are joining the group mind ‘meme’ that continues the agreement for this challenge indefinitely. Fueling a conversation about the badness of human nature will also install this as a point you believe in and operate out of.

The potential for greatness lives in each an every one of us. To become an enlightened master there is an opportunity for all of us. We are born to ‘make manifest’.   We are meant to love, grow and contribute in a world that is longing for our presence, our peace of mind and our contribution.

Why we are not all immediately enlightened masters?

At birth, we all come with the full wiring and energy for an awakened enlightened life. We choose to live, learn and grow in the human realm, which means the entire purpose for our incarnation is to gain a wealth of knowledge about love, relationships and the full experience of being human. We learn about the human body, about creation, and about fun and ‘suffering’.

When we clear our memes and miasms (group mind and group virus) around the lower nature we must embody, we immediately pop up to a higher energy vibration.

Your speaking and passionate desire to convince someone human nature is a kind of black magic you lock yourself into, it is a glass ceiling you can not move above until you stop energizing that mindset and start energizing a more uplifting mindset.

You can also think about group hypnosis as a factor in holding you into your limiting beliefs and your lower behavior. How does it help you to believe all of us have the potential for terrorism or dark behaviors? Do you get permission to have bad behaviors? Do you want to do better? Start energizing the potential for greatness. Find the mentors and role models who love and contribute. Become the inspiration and the celebration you want to experience in your life.

I encourage you to spend time in nature and, while you are there, be a stream of gratitude and appreciation. Visualize what you love about life and what is precious and joyous to you. Feel the love and gratitude with each breath you take and turn off your monkey mind asking you to keep looking at what is wrong. When you unplug and reboot to a higher level of gratitude and metal emotional focus you will begin to live into your greatness!

You came in with all the love and mastery you need to have a great life. You were born to contribute and inspire. Made in the image and likeness of God, how could you be anything less than amazing!

Choose to live into your greatness!

If this article touched you please write me and share with me how you are stepping into your greatness. I love to hear your success stories.

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