God keeps revealing the loss and demise of His children, and most recently, we have seen a focus on conversions, bringing the altered spirit no longer human back to human again. 

I think about the beauty and the beast predicament, the people in the palace, when the prince made his mistake and offended a beautiful sorceress who cursed the entirety of the palace staff to be the furniture plates and cleaning equipment, while the prince became a hideous beast, they all long to be human again. 

When we’re human again

Only human again

We’ll go waltzing those old one-two-threes

We’ll be floating again!

We’ll be gliding again!

Stepping, striding as fine as you please

Like a real human does

I’ll be all that I was

On that glorious morn

When we’re fin’lly reborn

And we’re all of us human again!

 The first thing I noticed was that there were those who had been satanically sacrificed (now dead) that could not be moved into heaven or healing temples. Why? Because they were no longer human spirits, and both of those areas are reserved for human spirits. But they did incarnate as human, the difference was a few lifetimes back, many were stripped of their human qualities. (9000 years ago approximately) This means that the parts of the blueprint that make them moral, loving, just, kind, and compassionate, these areas had been long ago stripped away. Restoration would mean getting back to the full complement of all aspects of the ‘human blueprint. 

At this same time, I became aware of the infants in utero, and 30% were in this predicament. I put the spirits retrieved from purgatory and hell into a holding stasis while I began to work with those soon to be entering life. I was able to, in a couple of sessions with God’s help, shift all the demon spirits currently in utero over to human spirits so that they will begin life as human! 

There are about .3% in utero that are not human. This is a sad situation, brought on by the poke primarily. They cannot be altered to human as they are being formed by alien spirits no human spirit could connect to those incubating bodies. God said it would be better if they did not incarnate. I was called to look at this as a lady whose children attend school with my daughter is nearing 9 months pregnant. She told me her baby has long, thick hair and long eyelashes, what some are calling pandemic babies. That is, those that are being altered by what was injected into the mother. This situation is not resolved in my heart on what to do, it would mean eliminating the alien spirit forming the body, and another would come right in, so the alien baby body in the human mother’s womb would also need to come to an end. I have asked God to find another to deal with this. 

Back to our demon-human conversion conversation. I proceeded to convert all that were available of the 0-5-year-old now living with bodies to human (with, of course, the help of God)! I am in the home stretch of converting the many 5-8 years old’s who are able to receive the transformation from demon to human, and believe I will finish this early next week. 

The next phase will be to return to those in holding stasis and convert them back to human. 

Reptilians, Serpent, and Lucifer, are largely responsible for the manipulation from human to demon.