As we completed the mind control portion of our marathon Wednesday I thought it would be helpful to identify how consciousness controls are working so we might begin to understand how it comes in.
We can look first at the condition of humans and angels. Note we did clear all our participant angels in this session as well. Our first discovery is Humans experience 5 types of consciousness controls while our angel friends endure more than double, 11 types of conscious controls.
This controls ‘Ability’ which is from heritage, what had been deemed of importance to previous generations and developed as an ability (not from God). Ability is found in the blueprint in Perception areas: conscious awake, precognition. To clarify the role of ability: this is not about natural ability, for example, muscle strength, it is about the potential and realized potential. God did not create us to be weak or incapable. The failing of Ability is that it is susceptible to deception, misinformation, mind and consciousness control.
Our intention is to reestablish: freedom, authority, ownership, and influence of our consciousness as well as to clear all weapons that created this control. The nature of Consciousness Control is: evil, suppressing, controlling.
At least 2 of these types of CC use soul cloning. The use of mechanisms, broadcasts (transmissions) from individuals, and AI are set up to map and manipulate our consciousness.
As we seek to understand and be clear of these issues it is important to trace the origins and impact so that we may be successful in understanding what is not us when it presents itself through our thoughts and awareness.