In classes and in my books I have written about the difficulties with Guru cord. I am opposed to them for many reasons and I warn of the dangers of having them. They are part of a system of spiritual domination and have a very strong parasitical aspect to them. 

A student in class, feeling confused, asked, ‘ if Julie was my teacher in another life, would she be corded to me in this life?’ 

I was in two incarnations, one in India and one in Nepal that she is referring to. I was considered a goddess in Nepal, not a Guru. That incarnation did affect me with cords coming from people who admired me. I became more aware of this in my mid 30’s while in a clairvoyant training where the teacher and an advanced student saw them. There were over 800 cords, much like an infant to their mother. It is important to note, that I did not put them there, nor were they Guru cords. The cords were plugged in all over me.  I have removed those cords, and I do understand why they were there in this incarnation. There is a temple built to ‘the me who was seen as a goddess’ where people still go to do ceremonies. It is an active site, meaning a week in the fall they celebrate and honor the being I was in that incarnation. No guru chords. 

In Indian life, I was born a Royal. I was deeply spiritual in that life as well. I did share spiritual teachings with many but from my royal position, not as a guru. There were no cords from this incarnation in my present life. 

So how could you find me if I was your teacher in a previous life? Simple, God is a driving force for people to find who they need in each life. 

Now let me explain about the mysterious ‘Guru’. this is a person who has risen in fame, has followers, and puts cords, typically in the right side of the neocortex of all the followers. A guru is possessive of who is in their flock, the more followers the more access to their quantum field of transformation. I have known numerous gurus in this lifetime. To the world, they may show a facade of being wise, having profound information, or extraordinary psychic skills. Behind closed doors they are people, they get exhausted, get angry, take advantage of people, and some inappropriately have sex with their followers. Believe me, they are fully human, they make lots of mistakes and this thing they pedal of enlightenment, is not to return to God and God’s source but to exemplify their system. 

We know chakras, meridians, aura, and kundalini to just name a few of the things coming out of their system are not from God and serve to rob us of our sovereignty and authority. 

If someone is saying you can pay them and they can give you downloads and as a result, you will be enlightened, please run run run the other way. they are going to add more sh#t to your blueprint. more you will ultimately need to remove. 

I am aware of a well-known guru who could not return to the US because numerous women had threatened a lawsuit for sexual assault and manipulation. I am also aware of a Guru who impregnated women, many many babies, to harvest stem cells from these fetuses with the intention of using the stem cells personally for becoming immortal. 

Don’t idealize those who preach enlightenment, it is not a real thing. Knowing God and restoring your being is about you taking all the time you need to be with God, do the work of clearing and accept the shifts that you are God are beautifully creating together. Please do not be deceived, there is no magic bullet.