Now this is an unusual topic, and honestly the subject line isn’t completely accurate, that is just one segment of the online games issue, there are many avenues not included in this number.

That is why when I designed our new Technology and You course I created a 3-phase approach to helping you with the whole picture of problematic relationships with technology. It’s a big subject and a very important one to address right now.

Our first issue is getting everyone who’s participating in our community to have an opportunity to fully clear their technology. We have lots of new people and old timers, and honestly both segments of our community need a good strong clearing on their technology. This includes your computer and phone of course, but things you may not think of like your dishwasher, washer and dryer and gate, if they’re wired with technology, and of course your workplace technology too.

Having issues with technology is much like having issues with infections, or chronic inflammation. You either do, or don’t, and it’s not your fault, often feels frustrating and overwhelming, can make you want to shy away from technology (you may think it just isn’t worth the effort) that’s a bit like our Death is Not Better program isn’t it? so we’re going to clear your technology.

Then we’re looking at your relationship with technology. In this class it will feel like we’re doing a big clear out on your related to spiritual interferences and technology..a three-way blockage that is no fun. This will feel a little like being in the Freedom from Spiritual Interferences class as we’re going after the big offenders and removing them from you, so they don’t affect your technology.

And in our third segment we’re clearing addiction, obsession and compulsion to the screen, and social media. You can bet zillions of dollars are being spent to control and influence your mind and keep you engaged with the computer somehow. We have to clear that so we can honestly look at the rest of life, living fully expressed. Perhaps going on more adventures, volunteering, singing in a choir, taking more day hikes, getting involved in a dance class, living life more fully.

The article I quote from $750 million was an article about sports. I know my father spend hours every single day watching sports, he lives for it. Can hardly have a conversation but you can hear him shooting at the screen as a big score, or narrow miss happens. We have lost many great minds to this mind-numbing activity.

Last year we did a TV addictions chart that was very helpful, this year we devote a couple of hours to the problem.