As we work in our mastery program on youthful beauty this week we revisited ideas of reversing aging  I learned at least in part in my early 30”s. Combining these ideas with all the profound clearings and activations may yield some extraordinary results for our participants. 

Reversal of the movement of the internal cell. Imagine each cell is on a trajectory moving forward in a clockwise motion. Since we are on a linear timeline it is moving forward with aging. Now imagine, what if you could disrupt the movement of the cell so that it were spiraling internally in a reverse, counterclockwise manner? There is some documentation of this in east Indian teaching of a sadhu living 700 years. I think it’s worth investigating for sure. 

Many years ago, I had a painful condition on the bottom of my feet. The medical profession could not help me; nothing they suggested or prescribed helped. I had an idea to overlay the image of my healthy foot from 3 years previously on the foot when it did not have the condition. Within 30 days, the condition was entirely gone. This uses active imagination daily to produce a good result. This works with a condition. What if we thought of aging as an unnatural condition and approached reversing aging and degeneration in the same manner? 

We would want to activate in our divine blessed origin state:

I create with my active imaginings and Access to my original power

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