I am so shocked to live in a new home and discover that I am supposed to be aging? What???? Okay, let me back up a little here. Obviously, I do not look 64. Apparently, you are supposed to look wrinkly and grey, have not taken care of your weight and falling into disrepair.
How have I come to that conclusion?
- I was told in one year, I am forced to take government insurance for healthcare. If I do not comply, I will be penalized severely. What does that even mean? The insurance agent said to me, no offense, mam, but you are simply too old to get insurance; no one will cover you after 65.
- Going in for skincare, my gal told me the ladies she works with my age all look 20 years older than me. Ahh, I said, there must be some who look like me. No, she said definitely not.
- I asked for no retired fellas when I interviewed with the matchmaker, yet they are matching me with retired men. When I meet, they have big bellies and bald heads. They look like they could be my Pop.
I begin to wonder if this is another form of marginalizing folks, making them step in line; you are what we are calling old; time for you to retire and take what we give you.
As we create this blueprint for longer, healthier living, we are going to need to educate folks that this is the path to follow and aspire to, not the aging and decay path.
I wonder what’s better, tell everyone your age so we can start establishing a new set point? Or just let it go and not disclose age, which unfortunately will not then help shift reality. What do you think?