I was told Adelia would finally get her IEP and 504 c which is special accommodations at public school. For this I needed to register and have a doctor give a note that says she has ADD ADHD, I had to this point avoided it being written on paper, as I believe diagnosis is like a spell cast on a person that holds them to the idea of the diagnosis. Adelia’s Doc did write it. I registered for next year at public school (something I don’t know if we will follow through with or not. And after the school canceled on us twice, we did go in for our meeting. 

I however was not asking for this meeting, I had long since given up on school being an avenue of help, but when dangled in front of my nose, I thought wow this is cool. And went in with 3 ideas that would really help Adelia manage herself better at home. Rest, brain breaks, and shorter days. 

Turns out they had a strategy, but it wasn’t about helping us, it was about getting to tell me I am not allowed to bring Adelia in at 9 am as her FASD coach had advised so that she wouldn’t be so burnt when she got home. This is how they did it. The nurse, counselor, teacher, and principal were all present, making this decision. No accommodations, and no late school days.

I was forced to sign the IEP report that she does not qualify for special accommodations. They kept saying or I can sign for you…Why would I let anyone sign for me? I said I will sign that I understand the findings of this committee, but that I do not agree. They said no you are part of the committee so you have to sign and you have to agree. 

I picked up Henry who was fussing, and held him close. I said in a declarative voice, I get it you are only interested in Adelia doing what she needs to at school. You are telling me you will continue to monitor her and if she begins failing with her behaviors or abilities in her academics you will give her accommodations. But We, I have worked very hard to get her to this place of high function at school, having her fail is NOT what I ever want. 

I said I will do what is best for my family, if that means bringing Adelia in to start late, I will, I will do whatever I need to, to have us be a successful family and for Adelia to do better at home as well. The principal said no, we are….. blah blah blah and she wanted to give us therapeutic resources we could hire, I said no, I have literally taken 4 days off of work to call every possible therapeutic resource and they are no help for many different reasons.  Thank you for your consideration. And I left. 

I know they were likely shocked that I said no, I will not comply, having felt like the plan was to bulldoze me into Adelia attending school on time once more, but I held my ground.

The second weird thing, the Foster lady told me there were no babies being placed, but in the past month, I am aware of 2 newborns placed here in Boerne.  I continue to give this to God, and ponder what telling me something untrue is doing to benefit the Foster folks or how in the world this makes any sense in the grand scheme of things. This presents an opportunity to pray and surrender to God my will. Knowing there are no surprises to God ever…but don’t you just wish once in a while when this stuff surfaces God gives you a heads up?