As I was reading in my Bible this morning I came across a chapter from the old testament that resonates well with where we are in our work in the academy. 

The chapter is about a young King (Hezekiah) who sees that God’s people have been corrupted and makes extraordinary reparations, to realign the Israelites to being right with God. This process is a conscious, arduous process of unraveling the integration of evil and impurity out of the people while restoring as he was able God’s law to the people.

*2nd Chronicles 29 

The two sub chapter headings:

Cleanses the temple

Restores the temple for  worship 

Can be thought of both on an outer world level and in our inner purification and restoration to God’s alignment. 

Cleanses the temple on a  personal level.

All the work we are doing to remove the things that have separated us from our original God’s blessings is a major part of this work. 

As well the work of cleansing the body and spirit of dark influences is vitally important. Items we have had long conversations in classes about

  1. Fetal cells as a food additive (see resources in the blog to clarify what brands and foods)
  2. Toxins, plastics, bleaches contaminating organic tea
  3. Smart dust and sensors on organic lettuce and other produce
  4. Fetal cells in skincare products
  5. Nefarious items put into the body through jabs/drugs including alien tech, nano, neurotoxins no biologic creatures and so forth
  6. Nano and nefarious items like AI and Morgellons on masks and nasal swabs
  7. harmful effects of technology 5 and 6G EMFs chemtrails and more
  8. Contaminants in water drinking and bathing including AI

We are attempting to educate our group and gently clear what we can. Also suggesting lifestyle changes to purify the temple of our body. 

The second part of this is to restore the temple for worship. God’s Alignment with who he created us to be and the removal of all that was added with nefarious purposes. We are in the removal process of the following: 

  • Chakras
  • DNA
  • Meridians
  • Spirit Access portal
  • Interactive Fields
  • Aura
  • Puranic breath
  • Physical Force
  • Silver thread
  • Timelines

 Cleansing can also mean eating well, exercising, getting enough rest, meditation and prayer into your days so that you are balanced and fueled for whatever challenges may come your direction. 

Cleanses the temple on a Cosmic level.

I’m sure, if you have been attending programs you are getting the idea.

Work with Angel’s identification with robe colors times on planet divine appointment

(Human) Leadership alien and demonic influence identification

Restoration of Spirit, Human Angel Elf Fairy Pleiadean Arcturian

massive rescue from purgatory and hell

Specific restoration of Death and Guardian angel – spiritually important

Reconstitution and restoration of Angel 16 protector of nutrition

Conversion from Devil Demon Satan back to angel

Reconstitution of Divine Beings, Angel 23 (protectors)

Taking Lucifer from 96% influence to zero

Identification of and restoration Human as interference being stolen from Personal BP

Destroy fallen angel weapons from past/ formed against us

Disappeared replicant parallel devil 

Restore the cosmic temple for worship is the 10-year commission we are 2 years into. To energize the experience of heaven throughout the earth. Archangel Michael said we only see a shell of earth’s original glory. As well I do not yet know what God has in mind for the very evil leaders in body, but we will wait for clear direction and as given will take steps to improve this as we are able. 

I have begun the work of destroying fallen angel weapons from the distant past/ formed against us. This will help protect both angel and human alike and support purity and grace. 

In this chapter, Hezekiah knows the importance of restoring the Temple to its glorious state. We too know this in the work we endeavor to do with God’s righteous hand guiding us every step of the way.