It is so incredible to me we are almost through the transformation of the devil to angel transformation. If you haven’t been following this topic in my newsletters, you’ll likely be confused about conversion of this kind so let me briefly explain for those of you who might be new to our community.

This largely happened around 8-9000 years ago. a good number of Seraphim and Cherubim were overtaken and in an instant turned into a devil. It happened in a rapid order and as the devil, they did not call out to God for help. They had become something they were not. and they lived as a devil for all these years, unaware of who they really were.

Then I discovered in a mastery retreat that they were originally pure and true, holy angels, and how this had happened to them. and I immediately asked God, can I have permission, is it the right thing to return them to their angelic state. I got a yes and proceeded to begin this arduous and very rewarding work. The first to return to their angel form was stuck in grief and sorrow. they could remember the things they had done and were in tremendous pain. I reminded them God loves them. It was comforting but didn’t really shift things.

So the next step I asked God if I could shift them out of the vibration of grief, many went to 400, and then the next shift they went to 700. This helped so much in restoring hope and purpose. Then last Monday they went to meet with God in the second heaven and were restored as angels. They did have the appearance of what they had formerly as seraphim and cherub, but now they had a new robe, one of golden yellow. The best word for this meeting with God was an initiation. They were restored to their pure original God blessing and given a new purpose from which to live into.

As I witnessed this I realized those angels who serve God on earth are rarely in heaven in the presence of God. I asked once more both the Archangels and God if this restoration would be helpful. I got deep gratitude and thanks from the angels for suggesting this. The first group of Archangels 258 of them did enter the first heaven this Monday for a heavenly restoration- initiation in the Presence, Majesty, and Glory of God.

Since then 3 additional groups have gone: death angel, guardian angel, and the massive angel I rescued 7 weeks back. there is a great renewed sense of hopefulness and commitment to life.

I am reminded of how blessed we are to have access immediately to God through prayer. Somehow angels as they served thousands of years on the earthly plane working to help humanity and forgot of the access they had. It’s like they had lost right permission and ability to return to God in heaven. I will continue to probe our angels to learn why this happened, but for now, all angels are calendared in return for blessings in the presence of God. They will go with their group. Their frequency will be restored to a very high frequency. Life for then will improve dramatically.