As the days go on and the lock-down seems to be lightening a new crisis of looting and rioting adds terror and trauma to the hearts and minds of many. But why are we in this situation? Why

Would looting and rioting of small businesses many run by folks of color make any sense at all? 

There seems to be a war between dark and light, good and bad, political factions’ colors, races and religions. I think what is important to note is that this is being staged. Maybe not the first tragic death, but all the looting is surely not related to human rights. 

So I began digging around in the documentation from our county to discover there have been no cases of the virus in my zip code. And yet we have been on lock down, earlier than most and just this week some of our restaurants are opening. No clothing boutiques or manicurists open yet and no daycare’s. 

Some folks have found this a very peaceful time to reflect and create anew. I know without all the driving; I’ve been deep cleaning cupboards that I hadn’t really looked in for years (we have a good size home). 

It does appear that the mainstream media is inciting the common person to fear and aggression. And the Qanon and many other sources of alternative revelatory media have been laying out facts that are so hard for the human heart to accept and comprehend. 

Focusing on unity rather than differences, building bridges of connections with love wisdom. Saying no to immoral actions and no to celebrities and leaders who choose to play out the darkness is our path.

The Minnesota freedom fund was created as a defense fund for those who were looting and rioting. Many celebrities jumped in putting large sums into the fund. But I think the funds should go to the shop owners who are now faced with rebuilding inventory, making repairs and restoring their places of business. I haven’t heard anyone doing this yet. People who choose to loot and riot, should face charges, it is vandalism at the very least, but I think much more, domestic terrorism. 

So what can we do during such unrest? This sounds so simple, but is so beautifully easy to do, take rest in the goodness and connection with God. Pray. Meditate. Attend classes and do the additional work I am giving now after you’ve done your own clearing for humankind. 

In the last article I am addressing the Q wave issue and additional wave issues I am locating. Please do get to the bottom.

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