What do you imagine is the meaning of the phrase “live full-on, fully self-expressed? This takes on all new meaning when we are in the question of who from our original creation were we created by God to be.

I think about an exercise I was led through in a landmark forum even I did 30 years ago, which still rings in my ears and stays in my heart. From it I felt I gained an understanding that being fully expressed was really a measure of my contribution and my belief that I could indeed make an impact that would change the trajectory of humanity.

There were about 100 of us sitting in a room chairs side by side, notebooks, and pens in hand. We were imagining who we could be and what we could accomplish in the next 6 months with a plan, and an intention to stay fully engaged in the project. We then were asked to imagine what we could accomplish in 1 year, then 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years each time we were given time to write out our imaginings with our intention fully engaged.

The exercise got very interesting when we were asked what we would have accomplished in 25 years, then 50 years, 75 years, and 150 years. again each time writing out our ideas. but when it went past what we had imagined our work life expectancy would have gone, for me, and I suspect most, in this very creative God mind exercise, my accomplishments went from very self-oriented to very global, world contributing. I began to imagine, not just the financial earnings and family goals, but how living a long life would contribute to humanity. At the time I imagined music was somehow the way I could help humanity. At the time I could open portals to other times and locations with my voice.  I was already using God’s mind and the quantum field, jumping in a way time and space. I was able to by opening these portals with music have those near me able to hear the voices of those in other realms dimensions times and locations.

My work is ever-evolving, and what I could imagine back then of how things would move, well I could not predict, and yet we are using frequency the quantum field, and God’s mind every day in our trainings and in all the clearings, so, unpredictable in its form and the subjects, yet the gist of what I was intentional on contributing was accurate.

I feel like sometimes full self-expression just stays in the now and the mundane. It’s like we get stuck with what is and form our concepts of the next what is based on how we are stuck in the present time. But the creation of abilities and contributions in our God-sourced creation is an entirely different idea.

training opportunity –

Do you have permission, right, and ability to be the magnificent contributing you, you were created to be? Full Self Expression in all aspects of life is absolutely amazing and something we endeavor to accomplish in our quantum academy! We’ll be going back in time to your early school days and even before that to clear away programs of limitation and disappointment. Then we go back through lifetimes until we are at the origins of you. our intention is to reset your potential for full self-expression based on who you were created to be! Pretty exciting!  Express Yourself: Full Self Expression community program home study