As I prepare for the DNA removal program, I am getting a slew of emails all saying what about this and what about that? Telomeres and cell division to name a couple. I have explained that medical science has defined and built up a great deal of knowledge around the current state of our DNA. They are committed to the present-day circumstance, that was not how we were created.

We will not have telomeres when we have removed that part of DNA. Gone. Telomeres were not created by God, neither were they approved by God. It appears they were created by Reptoid.

What is the level of truth and purity coming out of the medical system, and how aligned is western medicine with God source creations?

Who are the alien influencers of western medicine currently? 5

Amphiumidae, Humanoid, Phantom, Snake, Satan

How many alien races are currently doing experiments on Earth-based humanity?

What percentage of human experimentation is based on or works with the foundation of human DNA? 70%

What this means is that access to who we are and how to manipulate us and use us for livestock is largely run out of DNA. The DNA in our human makeup is the vehicle for experimentation on us. The recent mRNA Vax is an example of this. DNA is programmable, just like a computer program. It can be added to, and manipulated to make the system impure.

God Would NEVER Create DNA

Why would I say something like this? Is God so flawed that he would create a devolving, illness and disease-spreading system? God would not curse the younger generation with illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and all the genetic pass-downs that come into the system through the DNA. HE DID NOT DO this to us.

Someone asked what about the good things passed down feature a predisposition to a good thing? Do we actually know that this is dependent on the DNA? and the second part of that, let me share a quick story to explain this further.

A client from 12 years ago told me about her father. He had a rare condition; she inherited his pituitary gland to stay fully functional as if he had a pituitary gland of a 27-year-old. What this meant is he continued to produce Human growth hormone as a young person would. He had not developed illnesses like people his age and was strong and youthful at 77, still running straight up the mountain, muscular, and very fit it appeared what we associate with aging had not kicked in on him. The daughter age 44 had the same condition. Just a regular-looking person, strong and sure of her body. so this looks like a very special blessing, right? What if this was the way we were originally designed, pre DNA and in this family somehow the downturn of the pituitary gland was not activated in their DNA so the natural longevity, at least in this one aspect, could actually play out?

Someone asked how did the DNA get into the human and earthly experience. For humans, it went at least partially through the fallen angels. This seems to have been tied to the mating with humans, and as we saw earlier in the year, the negative RH factor was associated with this.

  • According to scripture (genesis) the offspring of the fallen angels, called the Nephilim, were known for their violence & evil. -Johannah

We had a lively chatbox conversation with our most senior students. Here are some of their insights that are spot on.

  • Make sense to me. I was confused about having an auric field and a quantum field. Looking at the structure of DNA, it is suitable to place anchors and things on it. – Maria Laura

This is about a conversation I was having about the aura actually not being part of the DHB, that the quantum field is what was there organically. The aura can collect problem energies and is mutable and changeable, whereas the quantum field is pure and a field of ability for transformation.

  • I remember reading that one of the most rudimentary creatures on the planet has a DNA sequence that is as complicated as ours, which I think is a good example of the farce of our DNA defining who we are. To me, DNA appears more like computer programming, which became apparent when they created the Moderna mRNA vax to alter DNA using a computer program sequence. So they put in place the program and potential and then bombard us with the crapola to activate the programs? -Sherri

I, too, had read that there is almost no difference in DNA from an ameba to a human, she is right about this, and the deception of DNA defines who we are.

  • I’ve heard that the information from the co-vid DNA tests is going to China and also Google and Apple. I’ve wondered that’s why they want to keep testing everyone when the tests are not accurate and really serve no purpose in affecting treatment -Carole
  • The Free spit test that communities were offering, said DNA test- not for diagnostic purposes right in the box. Clearly DNA collection. I walked out. -Sherri
  • Even the new James Bond movie is about nanobots being injected into people and targeting those to be assassinated via the DNA -Dawn

I want once more to reiterate, God would not create a flawed system that could be hijacked and overwritten for nefarious purposes.

In our DNA removal session, the first thing we will clear is deception and delusion group mind and controls that are causing us to doubt, and think we should keep DNA.

As well in my mind is anything we remove, we must activate what has been suppressed with God’s help, in our pure state.

I am sure there is more to come on this topic, we are touching the tip of the iceberg, and we are off to a good and powerful start to reclaim our sovereignty and God’s alignment.

There is still time to Enroll here