Julie Renee asks, “Do you have your ducks in a row?”

As I did my ‘hour of power’ walking around the Frank Lloyd Wright designed lake in my neighborhood, I was so taken by the ducks enjoying the winter weather our Pacific water way provides.

Birds have so much to teach us. It is no accident that the phrase “I’ve got all my ducks in a row’ is said when a person feels a sense of accomplishment and is ready for good things to come. If you have ever observed ducks you know that they are systematized and function well as a team.

Steps to getting your ducks in a row

Step 1 Take inventory of all unfinished items you have on your agenda to complete.

Honestly write down each and every incomplete project. This is vital. You need to notice how much you have started and if you have over-committed your energy to too many projects. If you are over extended and under funded with energy and enthusiasm, you will fail in all endeavors. This being the case, pick the three items to put your attention on and bring to completion and remove all other items to a ‘not now’ file.

Step 2: With your three priority projects, stand in the future imagining this project has come to completion and has been wildly successful.


Balance Your Life Now

Now trace back from the successful completion to present time and identify all the steps you will need to include in your ducks in a row plan. You can include, I don’t know all the steps and plan to get training to fill in the gaps. It is important to include in your plan how you will keep life in balance. In this way you will arrive at your destination happy and feeling good in your body.

Step 3: Learning how to meditate to increase wealth and productivity is one of our great advantages.

Using guided imagery is an excellent way to both manifest rapidly and fuel your work fulfillment power. If you have not yet learned how to do this ‘mock-up’ process here is a free 7 day wealth meditation program that is sure to light of fire of energy and action that will rock your world miraculouslivingnow.com.

Getting your ducks in a row can be fun and freeing. Remember to keep your life in balance as you build your dreams. Order and clarity, removing extraneous activities will allow you to soar.

Would you like to learn how to keep balance in life? Read: Balance Your Life Now

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