I want to begin this conversation today and continue to follow this pathway of experience and coherent spiritual unfolding as we traverse our new year of 2020.

Through the years we’ve come to acknowledge and understand that our ascension path has changed. You’ve likely heard me speak of this and know that we began the era change in 1976. This is when we began moving into the age of Aquarius from the old age of Pisces.

The nature of ascension prior to 1976 was defined by the martyred era of transformation. This time period represented struggle, oppression and suppression.

In business you needed to get ahead by dominating the field you were in, and if you understand the concept it meant you were dominant over others. One of the common phrases used in this time was that to be successful meant you ‘crushed your competition’.

This same era did not support a spiritual awakening through love or integration of the body, but rather encouraged the ascension seeker to meditate out of the body or abuse the body into submission with brutal rituals. It was the patriarchal era, one many of us were born into. An era of much learning and growth for all of humankind and one we are in the process of leaving.

When an era changes it takes about 100 years to step through the doorway into the new era, so we are right smack dab in the middle of this first step towards the new experience of energetic liberation and coherency.

In the new era we are able to fully master the human experience. This is just in its infancy, but already there are thousands of folks living well past 100 years of age in good health and brain function. Ascension in this new era is one of full human expression. We are moving forward in a fully integrated and balanced path. The ascension path, the path of human mastery includes not only spiritual development but mastery of love, health, wealth and all the dynamics of an incarnated life.

As we progress through 2020 we will be unearthing new opportunities for elevating our energetic set points and living more fully into our ascension path as we progress with mastery in all areas! Sounds like and exciting year!