Strange Attitude About Infant Rights During Gestation in the US

Did you know that a child can be aborted in some states even after birth? What that means is an infant can be killed up to 24 hours after birth in some states. And there are states that have pushed for child sacrifice as a right, so sacrifice of an infant during gestation. 

Okay so what about the child, is it a person? In the above notions and people who fight for those rights of parents to kill or sacrifice the child, the infant is considered a blob of flesh, not a child. 

So when a child like our Henry comes into the world born on drugs, in his case Methamphetamines and Heroin, the child is removed from the mother at birth because she has abused the child in utero, and is considered to have displayed child endangerment behaviors. 

I asked if the drug-addicted birth mother is ever charged for this (crime). I got the answer, I have never heard of it. 

So from conception, if drugs are used by the birth mom it is child abuse. That means the state recognizes this is indeed a child. 

My last point in this is that the Bible instructs we are created in the image and likeness of God. Seeing a premature baby, even at 16 weeks, you do see the child is whole, perfect, and complete as it is developing. 

So grateful Henry was born at 32 weeks gestation. In his case brain development was at 55%, and the final 45% was done in my loving arms with wholesome nourishment and no drugs.