Today is a very special day for us. Adelia Rose is being baptized. She has loving adults standing for her, promising to help her find her own unique path to the Divine, as her life is dedicated to God in a Holy and Sacred ceremony. This afternoon we’ll celebrate with a small gathering of loving friends, honoring her journey.

Some say baptism is a rebirth of sorts, with water and spirit, awakening the holy spirit and Divine in us. Baptism, dedication and the like, these rituals are so very important for us to observe. In the modern day disenchantment with organized religion, many folks have walked away from the treasures of the structured spiritual journey offered in a church, temple or synagogue.

Quick question: if you walked away from the dogma and politics of the patriarchal, established, religious practice, did you throw away the treasures offered while you were ridding yourself of the control energy? What could be gained by clearing away disappointment, unforgiveness, suppression and control so that you might yet again enjoy the privilege of these divine connection rights that are yours for the accepting? Love and the outpouring of spiritual gifts come in many ways…are you accepting them as the come?