We see the issue of Dream Grid at the largest impact with our Conscious Awake area of the blueprint. This is where the impact of AI is on the energetic self. For our community and the deep clearings we have already done this is the main issue. Not so for the general population where 10 areas of the blueprint can be at play. 

21 of the AI On our master chart, I have been able to identify and play a role in delivering dreams through the dream grid.  As individuals have more and more  AI in their physical self and field they take on transhuman qualities. Transhumanism, meaning enough mechanisms in and affecting the body deliver and connect the dots of the dream grid. This dream grid also uses AI in one person to connect to AI in another person. The dream grid is run by the connections from AI in one body to another body with AI. As well the dream grid gets delivered by things like CERN through smart houses and smart cars smart apps. 

Infrasound devices (used to do hypnosis from a distance during the targeted individual’s sleep)are highlighted on this clearing chart and give us a strong sense of how the hypnotic dream grid is able to take over consciousness authority 

Ai points of the dream grid are formed from the AI affecting the mind’s thoughts and beliefs. 

70% of humanity is affected by and part of the dream grid agenda. 

The group of aliens running the dream grid have it rigged to function in a similar way to hypnosis directing consciousness. Humanoids and phantoms are the ones responsible for setting up the grid and it has in some form been running for 180 years. 

This is for other alien races’ outdated technology and is being dismantled by Humanoid alien friends of our community.