When we look at the work we all have been called to do here at the Quantum Academy, I am reminded of this verse of scripture that makes it okay to be different, do something different than everyone else, and be in service to the same Creator God.

There are different ministries but one God/one Lord (paraphrase) ~  1 Corinthians 12:5-6

The work we do each and every day is Biblical. Not only do we cast out the Demons, heal the sick and restore the weary, but we are also called to do great works to restore the balance of purity and life to this earthly realm.

We are told to pray for those who have done you harm, to look at the log in your own eye before the speck in another’s, and to be humble on this path of reclamation of God’s Graces.

Life has been amazing, surprising, and extremely exciting; classes continue to astound me; we are learning the truth about the heavenly and earthly realms and are using powerful momentum to restore God’s plan in Heaven and on Earth.

For example, we learned death angels became demons. A handful of Risen Demons helped fight for the survival of humanity. When brought into the light brigade, they took on human spirit attributes. The elf was once all good pure magical beings, defiled and magic ripped from them along with some leprechaun which became the allure of Lucifer we call charm. Some cherubim angels fell with Lucifer and became dark spirits. A portion of Archangels also fell into evil with Lucifer. We are transforming the balance by taking back authority and spiritual power. There is much to do on the journey, and we are up to the task!

Please recognize this is a ministry and a mission. It is very different from the everyday work other ministries’ do. The work we do is Golden! It is blessed, pure, and true. We can celebrate when the veil of darkness has been removed, and we can see the needs and respond beautifully with God’s Grace!