Is the cause of all struggles the desire to have things be different from what they currently are and the idea that it is ‘not good enough? I have been pondering the idea of everything being enough as of late. There is enough. We have enough; she is enough, I am enough. Along with this, I have dwelt on the idea that everything is as it should be. Even all the crazy stuff is somehow right. I may not know why it is, but that it is the way it should be.


These ideas don’t mean things can’t change, shift, move forward, and feel even better. It means that as we accept that which we have and ponder why things are as they are, ideas and notions can surface in making things right that support new experiences.


In the same way, we are looking at everything is in Divine right order. This is another approach to expanding that concept.


If I hold myself as enough as Adelia’s Parent, then her behaviors are not about my lacking. And If she is enough, then her struggles are uniquely hers, but even if she never changed, God made her as she should be, and she is enough. There is still the chasm of her challenging behaviors wearing on my being become not she is not enough, or I am not enough, but how do we move into a more comfortable place for both of us. In being enough, there are no regrets, just possible shifts.


No fixing. Just an invitation supported by the possibility that we can find more peace. That may include me getting into a support group (did that) her getting some guidance with her challenging behaviors (got that set up), and also the possibility that we may need to live apart so that she can get specific assistance in shifting her behaviors. All of this from being enough is very different from something that is wrong.


Being enough doesn’t mean you are not in action or responding to the circumstances. It doesn’t mean giving up on dreams or moving to hopeless defeat. It does mean surrender, acceptance, and being in the questions of how can this feel, function, be experienced more beautifully?


There are a hundred ways to experience every single thing we go through. Moving out of something wrong and into a loving, accepting responsiveness is a path to a joy-filled grace-filled life.