• Gods in Charge! In all sessions, Father God delivers the topic for (me)Julie Renee. Topics include: Creation Divine Individuation, Human Heart Song, and thousands more. Every topic is defined, cleared, and revitalized, moving each participant toward a God Creation alignment experience.
  • Extraordinary Clearing Charts: Charting never before seen in any human experience. The charting we used is so comprehensive and so very detailed that we are able to clear topics that remain hidden to most of humanity. Our Master Chart is extraordinary with literally thousands of identified items shown to harm and hinder humanity.
  • God’s Own: Absolute knowing we are each Identified as God’s own. Having the experience of being a child of and chosen by God. In His family and inner circle.
  • Intentional: We identify clearly and concisely what we are setting out to work on, gather in prayer to ask for God’s guiding hand and empowerment of our mission, set precisely the intention on the chart for the session, individually set an intention for a personal  result which is shared in agreement with our team.
  • Powerful Prayer Mentorship: For the neophyte and the expert, prayer to start each session is powerful, connecting, and life enhancing. Prayer for each individual as well as prayer for all of humankind and God’s creation. How to pray and be heard, how to see the answers to prayer. How to glorify and praise, how to lift up.
  • Shine a Light of Truth: Where enchantment and illusion have dominated.
  • Global Change Makers Community: Being a member of the most effective and loving people from around the world sharing heart song, hopes, dreams, and intentions for a Heaven on earth to return.
  • Purity of Languaging: Our passion is to get it right, to truly understand what has come before us and what is yet to come. To know profoundly who we are and identify what has been in play to the detriment of our humanity. The words, the order of words, and how they are spoken matter. We understand this, and we honor the language we are seeking to restore from the time well before the debacle of the tower of Babylon when all language was pure truth.  
  • Raising Frequency: A quest of all in this community is to be in an upward movement of returning to the original frequency and then rise above that. For most humans, the original frequency was 3000-5000 at the time of creation, based on God’s cloud origin. On average most humans live on earth at 90-190. People entering our community are typically over 450 and have been working to restore their spiritual vibration.  Our community has members from 600- 1700 in present time.
  • Current Affairs: Are often addressed immediately