I was surprised at how aware I have become of the subtle and subversive messaging I now have the discernment to see through. Do you see the same thing I am?
On the radio driving to my facial appointment, I heard the announcer saying vacuum nations are slowing down in San Antonio; get your poka doodle and get a yummy crispy cream! Krispy Kreme co... Read More
Do you remember we did a couple of years in a row of earth clearings and removed all the curses from the earth? I just worked with mother earth and discovered all the curse removal helped shine the light into all the tunnels, human trafficking, and underground drug running! You’ve been hearing a lot about all the rescues, right? Well, thanks to a... Read More
To my absolute shock, I discovered a crazy phenomenon, The little cupids we see in paintings, those sweet cherubim, 30% of them were stolen from the heavenly realms and made into little devils.
So the good news here is that I have begun to restore them.
Each type of angel has special powers; the cherubim have the power of love. But what if th... Read More
I was beautifully prepared for this work as over the past 8 years, I had been doing spirit restorations for all our participants. Many had parts of spirit ripped from them and were at about 80% or even less of what they were originally as a spirit. The parts of spirit were always scattered, never in the same place. Hence my beautiful, not time no s... Read More
This weekend in the US is memorial day, which is historically a time we remember those dear to us who fought in the military battles and lost their lives in defense of freedom. This year we have as well to look at the loss and the restoration of the great spiritual battles throughout time where great losses were felt and acknowledge the work I lead... Read More