In the Ignite program we looked this week at murder, suicide, abortion and conscious slow death. We had a question from one of our students about the deliberate death of her mother. Since we can see beyond what we are told to believe, let’s look into murders of our elderly. Mother Bee, let's call her was newly experiencing dementia and had ent...
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In our programs, especially the mastery and Forever programs we are working with bringing back into being many spirits who have been harmed. We call this growing f=group the light brigade. This week we were so blessed to bring back into being 889 Elf, who were part of a great battle and destroyed 50,000 years ago. We say from this the aliens and d...
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It's such an interesting journey to be alive and contributing to the overall flow on the human trajectory today. What is needed now in our quest for purity and truth is a holding of this in our words, thoughts, actions and consciousness. Dwell on what you intend to experience, and you will experience it faster. Hold to the vision of how you choose...
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