Fail safes are a kind of reset it is a permission to transform blocker it is a covenant between the molecular body and the Kurs 93% of the fail safes are from the kurs doesn’t show up when we clear because it is not part of the specific clearing at that time, 5 hours pass than it comes into play Once the 5 hours has passed withi...
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We just completed our clearing on abortion clinics. This brought up a big conversation about when life starts. Having helped with 140 pregnancies and births, I can answer with wisdom.  My intention with the clearing statement was to shift the idea that women’s reproductive health has nothing to do with abortion. Reproductive rights have to do...
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Many say the Bible is altered, actually including me. I am aware in 365 AD, the Bibles were rounded up, and new, changed Bibles were distributed. So if that is the case, why bother reading the Bible, if it's not the original should we even open its pages?  YES  The first reason I say yes to this is that the Bible is the one publication that...
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Interesting challenge: What could be an issue where I do the full clearing given, and then I need to do 3 more hours? What it is Quantum Appliance Mechanism Spiral col 10 Intention of and adverse effects deja vu mechanism Dimension – realm Location in body lungs Where the technology came from Reptoid Who is now using it DOD and others Em...
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