We’ve had an exciting few months of restoring spirits that have been in limbo for sometimes 50,000 years. This week one notable restoration was a Pleiadean and she had lost her spirit life as we know it 48,000 years ago she was in 46 pieces. She had come to help humanity following a great battle with darkness and ended up loosing the life she kne...
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Just a day or so back one of my friends on Facebook, a fellow I knew from the new thought community in Marin, made a comment about a post I shared on Facebook. He thought it was weird I would Be supportive of a change maker who is really keeping his word and shifting reality for millions.  So what do I believe in?  I believe in Love, purity...
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One of my girlfriends is going through a divorce, and on the way she began losing weight, looking worrisomely thin. I spoke to her about my concern and asked how I could support her. I mentioned that I love her, that she will always be loved and important.  A few weeks later, she’s now put on a few pounds of muscle and is looking quite a bit ...
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I have a chant we seldom sing, very simply goes Who is that that is no thing?  That which makes the river flow freely. Have you ever wondered what is behind the wind and the rain, what drives the crashing waves or  causes the great rushing rivers the flow into the oceans? To acknowledge there is more is the first step in feeling the a...
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The lock down has brought such an incredible wealth of awareness about what is happening beneath the view of our daily awareness. From this we have learned where best to focus our attention, activations and neutralizations.  We now are more able to see the nefarious purposes for things that had made no sense in the past. And more exciting once ...
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