As we look to the Great Awakening there are certain areas we may feel hidden to us, or that we are not supposed to know and understand. How has that come to be and how can we know how to change that issue?  I have been reading articles, watching videos, documentaries and commentaries on the issue facing the world, learning of the darkness and w...
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There are several times I’ve attempted to use goodness, health or wellness in my language in my clearing statement and gotten no, do not use this word. Why??? As the words are currently used, health and wellness are owned by a system that does not promote full recovery. There is a treatment plan, no cure offered or promised, as a matter of fac...
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I once again have had an awakening moment in my awareness of how things are set up and how they got to be the way they are.  The discovery of spirit trauma and damage from Medical entitlements came from setting up Mondays activation for the phenomenal Forever program. We diligently cleared the invalidating, traumatizing and damaging controls th...
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As we moved our testing of what we would discuss and how we would discuss it n the academy, I feel we all became much more grounded, sure footed and focused in a direction I am loving.  Early on in the pandemic and lockdown, we discuss many possible issues of darkness and wrong doings on the planet. At some point we even talked about politicians, ...
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For months now we’ve been inundated with wave transmissions and frequencies. On top of that control projection energy transference, misinformation especially from the media, and negative prophecy. If your life hasn’t changed much in the past year, you likely were not an active participant in your daily life, for most though the lockdown, pandem...
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