A few months back while clearing right permission and ability to own all parts of perception and essence I discovered the one area I did not have ownership, even though I had worked it many times, was my DNA. Somehow the DNA was hijacked and ownership was taken over by the energy known as Satan. In our Quantum Mastery program this week we began to ...
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Years ago I studied in India. There I learned in the outdoor temple of Vishwa shanti ashrama of the sacred text, each having its own power and blessing. The 4th Veda was to remain hidden for the safety of all humankind. In it the secrets of controlling the earth elements are contained. The words that could start a tsunami, hurricane or earthquake a...
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As I thought of this section, what I could tell you right now that would be meaningful, I felt like it was to remind you that God is still speaking to us, and if we listen our life is so much better. I used to have inner awareness, but actually I wouldn’t always act on it. It may have been inconvenient or something I really didn’t want to do...
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If you haven’t been in training's lately, you’ll be excited to know of the shifts and improvements we’ve made in both the blueprint and the field of truth.  As above so below. As in Heaven so one Earth.  In the political arena there is a big conversation of clearing the swamp. I feel it is even more important to clear up the darkness ...
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When you are in a traumatic experience, your fuel and mind go to survival. All your actions are dictated by what will help me to survive this. How can I self-preserve?  You may not sleep for days or weeks, eat erratically and go for high caloric foods when you do grab a bite. A trauma might drive you to look again and again at the trauma, news, so...
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