As I watch the frenzy of public figures acting chaotic unethical and taking actions that are unconscionable, I have to as a Master Quantum Activations expert have to look at the impact of all these nonsensical governance dictates.
I’m not talking about the hair salon incident, if you caught the news it seems to outrank the pandemic and violence ... Read More
How Can I Bear to Know More?
I think in this newsletter I want to speak about knowing stuff that hurts the heart and causes cognitive dissonance. How to be able to know something and not feel you must help to resolve every issue, but turn it to God quickly, knowing what your role will be in this unfolding journey.
Remember whatever you heart ... Read More
I thought it might be helpful to know what it is like currently to take a flight across the country.
Our trip of course under some duress, we drove the entire way to the San Francisco airport in smoke. Long term parking was closed off, so you had to leave the car in short term parking and get a second ticket for long term parking rates.
Che... Read More
Respect, honor, cherishing and love these 4 words have a great deal in common. They are the fuel for a thriving relationship and create much needed harmony.
Although I didn’t teach this past week in the academy, I was very much in the world. I heard the word blaming and disrespect, and in our family, I said, to one family member, it doesn’... Read More
As you likely are now aware, Adelia and I fled our home for safety from 3 fires that had surrounded our home, said to have been caused by dry lightning. First, I want you to be assured that we (Adelia and I) were never in danger of the fires because we had the Divine in our corner ensuring we left in enough time to be completely safe.
The nigh... Read More